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MINUTES May 5, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> foods, lobsters. The way you describe your operation, with frequent inspections, I <br /> don't have a problem." <br /> Mr. Peireira stated, "I will only be selling on Sundays. I can bring the truck here for <br /> an inspection on Friday." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to allow Mr. Peireira to operate a mobile food unit at Dick & Ellie's <br /> Flea Market for calendar year 1999 for the sale of lobsters and crabs with periodic <br /> inspections throughout the summer after a preliminary inspection prior to issuance of <br /> permit. Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT Mr. Joseph Harvey re: 18 Pond View Drive <br /> Mr. Harvey was in attendance for his scheduled appointment that had been continued <br /> from April 28, 1999. <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance of 21'from a bordering vegetated wetland to the soil <br /> absorption system. <br /> Mr. Harvey stated, "Because of the shape of the lot--and the location of the abutting <br /> wetlands, there is only one place to put the soil absorption system to try to maximize <br /> the distance to the wetlands. We can provide for 79'to the wetlands. Because of the <br /> topography we do have about 26' of vertical separation between the bottom of the soil <br /> absorption system and the flagged wetlands. The septic system will be fitted with a <br /> "Micro-F.A.S.T." unit, which has been approved for a 3-bedroom dwelling. My client is <br /> also going to limit this house, by deed, to a 3-bedroom home." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "It's a tough lot." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the variance of 21' from a bordering vegetated wetland to <br /> the soil absorption system. Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT Mr. Joseph Harvey re. 3 Ba shore Drive <br /> Mr. Harvey was in attendance for his scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Harvey stated, "The applicant is requesting local variances of 28' from the soil <br /> absorption system to an existing well of Lot 243 and 47' to the reserve area. Also <br /> being requested is a local variance of 26'from both the primary and reserve areas of <br /> Lot 241." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the variances of 28'from the soil absorption system to an <br /> existing well of Lot 243 Bayshore Drive and 47'to the reserve area of the same lot; and <br /> the variance of 26'from both the primary and reserve areas of Lot 241. Mr. Doherty <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 2. Approve minutes of March 28 1999 meeting if available <br /> Minutes not available. <br /> 3. Memo from Rep. Caffyn re: Ed. Comm. <br /> Board acknowledged. <br />