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4 <br /> MINUTES May S, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 4. Bi-monthly inspection report TS/Landfill <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> 5. Willowbend Subdivision Plan - GoodsReed/Meetinahouse Roads <br /> Board acknowledged preliminary plan. Board will need to see definitive plans_ <br /> with well and septic layouts in order to grant approval. <br /> 6. House plans - 42_Great_River Road <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "As you recall this house was owned by an elderly lady <br /> who, we all agreed, should put in a tight tank. DEP made her put in a new <br /> septic system with variances allowable under Title V. Although it doesn't say it <br /> in the cover letter, it looks as though she might be getting ready to sell it. The <br /> affidavit that was signed states that `As owner of this property, I understand <br /> that any plans to increase the habitable living space of the existing 2-bedroom <br /> dwelling located at 42 Great River Road at any future day will require approval <br /> by the Board of Health...' . I think you have to consider the hardship she's been <br /> through to be able to maintain the house." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I just don't want the environment to get sold out." "They are <br /> probably going to turn this dilapidated old cottage into a full-time residence." <br /> "I'm asking for a denitrification unit. "We've never gone down to 50-feet before." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to send a letter stating that the Board of Health declines to <br /> submit the requested letter based on the fact that the plans submitted show an <br /> increase in living space contrary to the agreement signed between the owner <br /> and the Board. Mr. Doherty seconded the motion to deny the request. <br /> At this time Mr. McQuaid stepped down from the meeting. <br /> 7. Variance Request - 3 Wamsutta Road <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance of 12'from the proposed leaching facility to <br /> the existing well of 202 Algonquin. Avenue. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the variance of. 12' from the proposed leaching <br /> facility to the existing well of 202 Algonquin Avenue. Mr. Doherty seconded the <br /> motion. Motion passed. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Transfer Station RFP-The Request for Proposals for the operation of the Mashpee <br /> Transfer Station will be advertised in the Cape Cod Times, Dodge Report and the <br /> Register on May S, 1999. <br /> Being no further business, Mr. Ball motioned to adjourn this meeting at 8:14 p.m., Mr. <br /> Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Lucy B. urton, Administrative Secretary <br />