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05/12/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/12/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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r <br /> MINUTES May 12, 1999 5 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Pond where we had to issue warnings. I'm talking about private wells and <br /> public wells. I understand the concern about the Mashpee River and about the <br /> bays but my interest doesn't stop within 1000 feet.of those water bodies." <br /> Mr. Fudala responded, "Almost the entire town in within the watersheds of <br /> those water bodies. Our study is all focused on the nitrogen and the bays <br /> partly because they are much more sensitive than the drinking water standard. <br /> If you meet the drinking water standard, you are still messing up the bays. We <br /> haven't focused on the issue of small lots and wells and septics." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Town water is not the answer. Not when the town wells <br /> get polluted. Then what? They are in good shape today. Where are they going <br /> to be in 20 years? It is not the answer or the end of the issue. Steve's been <br /> working very hard on this and we've been waiting for the study. I think we're <br /> probably going to have to abandon that idea and just go forward with it <br /> regardless. But, we're going to have to decide on some kind of criteria to base it <br /> on because we will be challenged on it." <br /> Mr. Cahalane stated, "I think Steve hit it right on the nose. We know we have a <br /> problem now, but we don't have the answer. I think what Steve was saying was <br /> that if anyone does something now that you are required to do is that they <br /> would be rewarded for doing it now instead of waiting three years down the <br /> road. Isn't that what you were saying?" <br /> Mr. Ball added, "Exactly. I like Tom's idea of adding to the regulations that a <br /> homeowner can get some kind of break on their betterment." "We're not going <br /> to vote on, the regulation tonight." <br /> Mr. Fudala stated, "What you've got now is essentially a commitment from the . <br /> Sewer Commission that, should there be sewers going by someone's house, <br /> assuming any of us are still on the commission at that time, we will waive fees <br /> or do whatever we can do." <br /> Mr. Cram commented, "One of the main reasons we wanted your committee <br /> here tonight is because we want to know what that we are working along the <br /> same lines. We want to be able to arrive at a decision with your cooperation." <br /> Board reorganization <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to nominate Mr. Ball as Board Chairman. Mr. Cram <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to nominate Mr. Doherty as Board Co-Chairman. Mr. Cram <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to nominate Mr. Cram as Board Clerk. Mr. Doherty <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> i <br />
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