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05/12/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/12/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 12, 1999 6 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT Don Megathlin re: Talanian Development Update <br /> Mr. Megathlin was in attendance for his scheduled appointment regarding South Cape <br /> Village Center. <br /> Mr. Megathlin stated, "We're going before DEP and we'd like your support if you <br /> feel it's appropriate. Let me just tell you where we are and what's gone on. <br /> We've spent an enormous amount of time on the issue of nitrates and we have <br /> retained Brian Howes to deal with our architect on the nitrate policy. We came <br /> up with three very general suggestions. The first one was an anfridome system <br /> which I know you are all very familiar with because that has been used at <br /> Stratford Ponds and I know you are very enthusiastic about it and it's resulting <br /> nitrate levels. The second thing was several specific items to reduce nitrates <br /> including trying to be creative and having multi-properties going into a single <br /> user system. This is really why I'm here tonight. The third is a very strong <br /> stormwater management system. We've worked closely with the Planning <br /> Board and Tom Fudala on that. That's just sort of a general overview which is <br /> covered in the Executive Summary that I gave you." <br /> Mr. Megathlin continued, "The reason I came here tonight is that adjacent to <br /> our property is where Life, Inc. is building their residential complex. It's where <br /> 32 units and 56 bedrooms are being built. We have agreed and offered and <br /> initiated, to try to be creative since this is the first time this has been done, to <br /> have multi property owners go into a single system. We have worked diligently <br /> with DEP and with Mr. McQuaid. They have agreed in concept to allow three <br /> property owners to tie into a single system and that includes Liquor Warehouse, <br /> Peters Insurance and Life, Inc. Life is by far the most important because they <br /> are the largest. They have about 6,000 gallons per day. There is a huge <br /> problem in that they are going to be operational in August or September and <br /> we're still working with the Cape Cod Commission and we don't really know <br /> when we are going to get our approval. So, we're asking for an early decision on <br /> that part of our application so that we can at least resolve that specific issue. <br /> We have meetings set up with DEP that we think is going to be helpful. They <br /> are going to try to be helpful in one of two ways: either with holding tanks or <br /> clarifying tanks and then they will be pumped out and built someplace else. <br /> Or, have those same tanks and then have a force main that will come down to <br /> our leaching fields and they would go into our leaching bed until our anfridome <br /> is operational. Those are the two alternatives that are being suggested. We are <br /> asking DEP to approve one of those two methodologies so that we can tie in <br /> Life." <br /> Mr. Cram asked, "What's the proposed operational date for the anfridome?" <br /> Mr. Megathlin responded, "We don't know how long the approval will take, but <br /> we're hoping for it to be operational in the fall of 2000." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I don't have a problem with what you are proposing as long <br /> as you can satisfy the DEP." <br />
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