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h <br /> MINUTES June 17, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> and using even deeded right to the center of private roads for calculation of <br /> nitrogen loading will no longer be acceptable." <br /> Mr. Grotzke, "I guess well have to redesign and come back." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to continue. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. <br /> 5. Variance request: 3 Menemsha Road <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance of 5' from the soil absorption system to the <br /> property line of 7 Menemsha Road and 5'from the soil absorption system to the <br /> property line of 14 Menemsha Road. Also being requested is a variance of 9' <br /> from the soil absorption system and reserve to the Nashawena Road street line. <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant the two 5'variances from the soil absorption <br /> system to the property lines and the variance of 9' from the system and reserve <br /> to the Nashawena Road street.line. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. <br /> 6. Emergency Failure Certification: 21 Scenic Drive <br /> Ms. Mayer stated, "The liquid was above the distribution box pipe. <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br /> EmergencV Failure Certification: 8 Ships Rudder <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The leach pit is full. A new distribution box and two 500- <br /> gallon drywells should be installed." <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br /> 7. Re-appointment of Health Agent <br /> All Board members signed the appointment form to re-appoint Mr. McQuaid to <br /> another five-year term as Health Agent. <br /> i <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Subdivision approval <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The applicant, Steven Giatrellis, is requesting subdividing <br /> his one lot into 2 lots off of Route 130." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to approve the subdivision plan for Steven Giatrellis. Mr. <br /> Ball seconded the motion. <br /> Subdivision approval <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The applicant is requesting subdividing his one lot into 2 <br /> lots off of Pickerel Cove Road." <br />