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MINUTES July 15, 1999 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 8. Food Service Permit Application: Nicole Snacks Harbor Tours <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 1999 Food Service Permit to Nicole's Snacks. Mr. <br /> Bali seconded the motion. Mr. Cram was opposed. <br /> Food Service Permit Application: Sweet Retreat <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 1999 Food Service Permit to Sweet Retreat. Mr. <br /> Cram seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 9. Variance request: 14 Tuspaquin Road <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a 38'variance from the proposed soil absorption <br /> system to the well servicing 6 Tuspaquin Road; a 23'variance from the proposed <br /> soil absorption system to the well serving 14.Tuspaquin Road and a 9V variance <br /> from the proposed soil absorption system to the irrigation well of the nursery on <br /> Quinapen Road. Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> Variance request: 87 Edgewater Road <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a 48'variance from the soil absorption system and the <br /> existing well at 88 Edgewater'Road; a 48'variance from the soil absorption system <br /> and the well at 94 Edgewater Road; a 47'variance from the soil absorption system <br /> and the well at 81 Edgewater Road; a 42'variance from the soil absorption system <br /> and the proposed well for 87 Edgewater Road. Additionally, Mr. Cram motioned to <br /> grant a 22"variance from the proposed well for 87 Edgewater Road and the existing <br /> soil absorption system at 81 Edgewater Road and 26'variance from the proposed <br /> well at 87 Edgewater Road and the existing septic leaching pit at 91 Edgewater <br /> Road. These variances are conditional on the installation of a Micro-F.A.S.T. <br /> system at 87 Edgewater Road. Mr. Doherty,seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> Variance Request: 146 Summersea Road_ <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance of 50'from the soil absorption.system to the <br /> wetlands. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would prefer to have the applicant come in and explain this <br /> plan and variance request." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "They need to mention the denitrification unit in the cover <br /> letter." <br /> Board members decided to-continue this request until the applicant can come in <br /> and explain the plans to the Board. <br /> 1O.Interim Septic System - Life at Mash ee <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "Life at Mashpee has been working with the Talanian project <br /> to hook into their anfridome.treatment plant once it goes on line. However, Life will <br /> be looking for,an occupancy permit prior to the full treatment plant being <br /> constructed. What they have proposed is installing a 13,000-gallon septic tank <br /> with a pump chamber pumping all the way from the Life property to the Talanian <br /> leaching field, which will be installed in time. The DEP approves of this interim <br /> system. Should the full treatment plant still not be on-line there is a process by <br /> which they will have to install a 7,000-gallon tank still using the leaching field in <br /> existence. I feel that all the possibilities have been addressed. DEP is in favor of <br />