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MINUTES September 2, 1999 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> b. Variance Requests <br /> Variance: 71 Timberlane Drive <br /> Applicant is requesting a Request for Variance From Title 5 for 71 Timberland <br /> Drive, Mashpee. <br /> Motion to Approve Variance for 71 Timberland Drive: <br /> Applicant is requesting a 7.9'variance from the proposed soil absorption system <br /> to the sideline and an 8'variance from the proposed soil absorption system to <br /> the front property line. Mr. Cram made a motion to approve the request for <br /> variance for 71 Timberland Drive, Mashpee, as submitted. Mr. Ball seconded <br /> the motion. Motion passed. <br /> Variance: 14 Cross Street <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the Engineer requested that this request be removed <br /> from the Agenda. <br /> Variance: 79 Seconsett Island Road <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance of 10' from the proposed soil absorption <br /> system to the side property line and a 4'variance from the proposed soil <br /> absorption system to the basement wall. Mr. Cram made a motion to approve <br /> the request for variance as submitted. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion <br /> passed. <br /> Variance: 12 Santuit Lane <br /> Applicant is requesting the Board of Health reconsider its previous denial of <br /> requested variances based on the new information that the house is actually a <br /> seasonal cottage. Mr. Cram made a motion that the Board of Health members <br /> request that revised plans be submitted showing a denitrification unit and an <br /> affidavit signed and recorded with Register of Deeds stating that it is <br /> understood that no building permit will be sought for any renovation or <br /> addition which would render the house to be year-round. Motion seconded by <br /> Mr. Ball. Motion passed. <br /> Variance: 242 Monomoscoy Road <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance of 5' from the proposed soil absorption <br /> system to the side property line and a 10'variance from the proposed soil <br /> absorption system to the street property line. Also being requested is a local <br /> variance of 27'from the proposed soil absorption system to the salt marsh. Mr. <br /> Cram motioned to approve the requested variances with the stipulation that a <br /> Micro-Fast denitrification unit is included. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. <br /> Motion passed. <br /> 7. EmeLrgency Failure Certifications <br /> 32 Valerie Circle <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed that he inspected the site and found the leach pit full. <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Repair <br /> Certification form. <br />