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MINUTES September 2, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Cram made a motion that the Board of Health write a letter to Mrs. Greenberg, <br /> with review of the letter by Mr. McQuaid, to approve the plan with the stipulation that <br /> the affidavit should include a statement to the fact that no building permit will be <br /> applied for which would involve any type of renovation to the eadsting property to turn <br /> it into a year-round dwelling without the installation of a denitrification unit. Motion <br /> seconded by Mr. Ball. Motion passed. <br /> APPPOINTMENT: Mark Joseph, Illegal Dumping <br /> Mr. Mark Joseph was not in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that he spoke with Mr. Joseph and he feels Mr. Joseph or any <br /> member of his family did not put the trash there. Mr. McQuaid added that the Joseph <br /> family satisfactorily cleaned up all the trash. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that he has no problem with rescinding the $300.00 fine. <br /> Mr. Cram made a motion to rescind the fine assessed on Mr. Joseph. Mr. Ball <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 3. Riverbend <br /> Residential Trash Pickup <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that Mr. Richard Halpern, owner of the Riverbend Motel is <br /> asking that the trash generated from his rental properties be considered <br /> residential. <br /> Mr. Ball asked Mr. McQuaid if his 21 cottages are considered residential or <br /> commercial. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated they are residential cottages; however, it is a business. <br /> Mr. Cram noted that there are no hotels or motels that are residential. <br /> Mr. Cram stated that the residents themselves are not contracting with the <br /> trash hauler themselves. In addition, he noted that it is 21 units not being <br /> owned by anyone living there, they are only being used on a temporary basis <br /> with one central pickup point, which is commercial. <br /> Mr. Cram made a motion that the Board of Health deny the request to have the <br /> trash considered residential. Motion seconded by Mr. Ball. Motion passed. <br /> 4. Andrew Lipposky, 53 Greenwood Road <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> S. Michael Vining, 69 James Circle <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that this issue has been resolved between the two parties <br /> involved. <br />