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MINUTES September 2, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> water use and the fact that there is a denitrification system there, Mr. McQuaid stated <br /> that the variance is worthy of the Board's consideration. <br /> Mr. McQuaid proposed to the Board, if they so choose, that the Board of Health send a <br /> letter to the DEP and state the facts of tonight's meeting and if they vote, state to the <br /> DEP that they have done so. Mr. McQuaid stated that if the Board approved, it is still <br /> a local variance and they would still have to get DEP approval. <br /> The Board discussed holding their vote until they get DEP input. Mr. Quaid suggested <br /> that not voting would prolong the process. <br /> Mr. Cram stated that he is not ready to vote without DEP input. <br /> The Board asked Mr. Leone to forward his request, along with additional information <br /> for DEP's advice. Mr. McQuaid stated that he would work with Mr. Leone on obtaining <br /> the additional information for DEP. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that they would continue this request. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Mrs. Greenberg, 35 Santuit Lane <br /> Mrs. Greenberg was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mrs. Greenberg stated that she wanted clarification on an issue. She noted that she is <br /> in the wetland area and she thought it would be a good idea if she upgraded her septic <br /> system to make it consistent with Title V. Mrs. Greenberg stated that she called Cape <br /> Sv Islands Engineering and they drew up the plan. She said that she went to the <br /> Mashpee Conservation Commission and was told that there was an issue concerning <br /> the Board of Health requesting that a plan be prepared and that a denitrification unit <br /> be added to the septic system in the event that an addition is added to the residence <br /> or if the dwelling is used on a year-round basis or the dwelling is winterized. <br /> Mrs. Greenberg stated that this is a summer residence and used less than six weeks <br /> per year. She stated that they do not plan on winterizing the residence. She noted <br /> that they have no problem with stating that they would put a denitrification unit in if <br /> they would winterize or if they would be there on a year-round basis. <br /> There was a question from Mrs. Greenberg regarding putting an addition on the home. <br /> She noted that it would still be a summer residence. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the permit for the upgrade has not been issued. <br /> The Board discussed the issue of residents selling their dwellings and then the <br /> dwellings becoming used year-round. <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented that he would like to explain the request as follows: <br /> The affidavit should include a statement to the fact that no building permit will be <br /> applied for which would involve any type of renovation to the existing property to turn <br /> it into a year-round dwelling without the installation of a denitrification unit. <br /> Mrs. Greenberg stated that she had no problem with that request at all. <br />