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MINUTES September 22, 1999 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> fine for the non-critical violations - a fine of$25.00 for non-critical violations and a <br /> fine of$100.00 for critical violations. <br /> Ms. Christine Tam stated that they have been trying their best and they are shocked <br /> at the violations. <br /> Mr. John Renz from Mashpee Commons management stated that he wants to be <br /> involved with a tenant that is constantly in, violation and he requested that he be <br /> asked to go in as well so that he is aware of the situation when their lease comes up <br /> for renewal. He requested a copy of all the inspection reports and when the Board of <br /> Health is there for an inspection, he would like to be called to go in as well. He said <br /> that from his experience the Tams have tried to be cooperative. <br /> Motion to Set Fines for Violations: <br /> Mr. Cram made a motion to fine $100 for each critical violation (which is 3) and fine <br /> $50 for each of the non-critical violations, (which is 7). Further stipulate that this <br /> fine will be suspended (put on probation) if upon further inspections at an unspecified <br /> time these problems have been corrected and for one year from this date. <br /> If at any time within that period they have not been corrected, the fine will be brought <br /> forth. Motion seconded by Mr. Ball. Motion Passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: 42 Great River Road <br /> Mr. Michael Vizziello was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid gave a history of the case. He stated that DEP required a Title V, which <br /> has already been approved and installed. The house had been a small two-bedroom <br /> shack which was sold and the new owners wanted to make it year-round. What the <br /> Board suggested back in May was that the applicant install a denitrification system j <br /> along with an ultra-violet. The new plans show a denitrification system and an ultra- <br /> violet. <br /> It was noted that it is a two-story, two-bedroom house. <br /> Motion to Approve Plans: <br /> Mr. Cram made a motion to approve the plans, as submitted, with the stipulation that <br /> there will be a denitrification system and ultra-violet, it has DEP approval, and it will <br /> be a two-story, two-bedroom house. Motion seconded by Mr. Ball. Motion Passed. <br /> 2. Approve Minutes of August 5, 1999 Meetin <br /> Board of Health members decided to hold the minutes of August 5, 1999 until a <br /> later date. <br /> 3. Bi-Monthly Transfer Station Inspection <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> 4. Memo Re: Department Revenue Return <br /> Board acknowledged. <br />