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MINUTES September 22, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid noted that he would still be short five gallons with the denitrification <br /> system. He stated four bedrooms with a denitrification system requires 440 gallons <br /> and he has 435 gallons; however, 435 gallons would be feasible. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Jade Restaurant, Mashpee Commons <br /> Ms. Christine Tam of Jade Restaurant and Mr. John Renz of Mashpee Commons were <br /> in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Ms. Mayer stated that she has performed a total of four inspections between the spring <br /> and the current time on Jade Restaurant. During the first inspection, she was <br /> satisfied. On the second inspection, she was very disappointed. She stated that all <br /> the food was uncovered and there was quite a bit of food caked on the floors. The <br /> main room was very clean and picked up.. She said that she checked out the kitchen <br /> and found dirty buckets on top of food. The next time she came back there was a cook <br /> lighting up a cigarette while he was cooking. Food was uncovered again. The chicken <br /> looked like it had been sitting out for quite a while. She put the thermometer into the <br /> chicken and the chicken was at 92 degrees; the beef was at 82 degrees. There was <br /> about 40 pounds of meat thrown out. The eggs were extremely warm, indicating they <br /> had been sitting out a long time. She noted that she put cleanser on all the thrown <br /> out food so that they would not use it after she left. The cellar was pretty good. She <br /> noted that they tested for rodents and didn't find anything. The spring was broken on <br /> the door and she notified Mashpee Commons about it. They fixed it and when she <br /> went in again, they were fixing the door and there were flied in the kitchen area- the <br /> door was wide open, they had placed towels on top of the food in the walk-in. She <br /> noted that it was the same violations. Ms. Mayer stated that she is having a problem <br /> having them cooperate with her. She stated that she wants at least two employees to <br /> attend the Food Service Program and have one of these employees on duty at all times. <br /> Mr. McQuaid noted that it is frustrating to try to educate the cooks with proper food <br /> handling and you keep seeing the same violations. He stated that they ought to <br /> acknowledge the severity of the problems they have been having with this restaurant. <br /> He stated that it is time to threaten to suspend their license for a period of time. <br /> Ms. Mayer stated that based on the fact that she went in four times, she suggested <br /> that they be fined for the repeated violations. Then, make another inspection and if <br /> the violations do not improve, close them down for a period of time. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that he feels the owner is aware of the severity of the problem and <br /> she should be made aware that upon the next inspection, there will be an automatic <br /> fine for any repeat violations from the last six months. If there are repeat violations, <br /> she should be called back before the board and, at that time, the Board should <br /> consider a suspension of her license. <br /> Mr. Crain suggested assessing the fine and suspend the fine based on compliance with <br /> the laws and regulations as defined and as stipulated by the Health Agents. He added <br /> that if this is done with unannounced inspections, if all requirements are not met, <br /> they will have to pay the fine. <br /> It was noted that they have an extensive number of violations - both critical and non- <br /> critical. Mr. McQuaid suggested that they define a fine for the critical violations and a <br />