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09/22/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
09/22/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES September 22, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> machine. He noted that there are two types of systems, wet or dry system, and he is <br /> choosing the dry system which puts out much less effluent. <br /> Dr. Blumber stated that he already has a contract with the Medical Waste disposal <br /> company for hard medical waste. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that his concern is where the liquid medical waste going to go. He <br /> said that it can't simply be added to the sanitary waste in a Title V system because it <br /> is considered hazardous waste. He noted that it needs to go into a tight tank or <br /> filtered before it goes into the conventional system with a filtration system approved by <br /> DEP. Mr. McQuaid stated that they need something in writing stating that this system <br /> has been approved to remove the potentially hazardous material. <br /> Mr. Ball commented that the Board of Health can approve on the condition of the <br /> letter stating that it is subject to the above. Mr. McQuaid noted that the letter has to <br /> be specific to the filtration system that will be used. <br /> Mr. Cram noted that this dentist office will be limited to two chairs only, which has a <br /> design rate of 200 gallons per day. <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented that one more consideration is that Dr. Blumer is still on a <br /> private well and town water is available. Mr. McQuaid stated that he would <br /> recommended that the Board consider requiring Dr. Blumer to connect to town water <br /> because, if not, his well is going to have to be approved as a non-community public <br /> well. Mr. Slavinsky stated that they will go to town water. Dr. Blumer agreed that he <br /> will go to town water. <br /> Motion to Approve Proposal for Dr. Blumer: <br /> Mr. Cram made a motion to approve the proposal for Dr. Blumer's dental office at 5 <br /> Sugar Pine Circle with the following stipulatons: <br /> • A limit of two chairs only <br /> • Connected to Town Water <br /> • Written approval by DEP. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Ball. Motion Passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape & Islands Engineering - 78 Spoondrift Way <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky of Cape & Islands Engineering was in attendance for this <br /> scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated that when he runs the numbers on this, he would be 300 square <br /> feet shy of a four bedroom. He stated that he can change the whole thing - he can <br /> make it a three bedroom and not install the denitrification system. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated that he would try to find the additional 300 square feet. <br /> The members requested to see another plan showing a four bedroom with a <br /> denitrification system. <br />
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