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MINUTES October 28, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> with that, he will have to replace the septic system. Mr. East stated that he had a perc <br /> test done in the back yard and Mr. McQuaid had indicated that the issue with the <br /> number of bedrooms that would be permitted in the new property doesn't come quite <br /> under the current statute which expires the end of this year which permits up to three <br /> bedrooms simply because of the size of the lot and the fact that he would require a <br /> variance. Mr. East questioned how many bedrooms would be permitted on a lot of his <br /> size. <br /> He noted that they currently have one bedroom; however, this particular property was <br /> put up in 1941. He stated that an addition was put on the back in approximately <br /> 1948 and it was remodeled in 1992. Mr. East verified that, in the past, the property <br /> has had up to three bedrooms. Mr. East distributed a copy of his current floor plan <br /> along with an earlier floor plan to demonstrate what he had in the past. <br /> Mr. East also gave a copy of an Affidavit from his sister, Pat East Allison, who is an <br /> Attorney. The Affidavit denotes that the number of bedrooms in the dwelling was <br /> higher in the past. In addition, Mr. East presented the Board of Health members with <br /> a copy of the Assessor's field card, which shows that there were four rooms in the <br /> property. <br /> Mr. East stated that he is requesting that the new dwelling be allowed to have three <br /> bedrooms. <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky, Cape & Islands Engineering, was present at the meeting. He <br /> noted that what happened at the perc test was that there was unsuitable soil. <br /> Mr. East stated that he understands he has two options: one option would be to put <br /> the system up front and the second option would be to completely excavate the back <br /> area down to the water table and replace the soil with acceptable soil. Mr. East stated <br /> that he is willing to do either. He said his preference would be to put the system in <br /> the back. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that with Title V right now, it would allow Mr. East to upgrade <br /> right now from the existing cesspool to a current Title V to the maximum feasible <br /> compliance. However, being in a Zone 11, Title V would not allow an increase in flow, <br /> meaning more than the existing number of bedrooms, unless the Board is satisfied <br /> that although there is only one bedroom now, years ago there were two or three <br /> bedrooms. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the second issue is the soil and the fact that it did not pass <br /> the perc test criteria. However, Mr. McQuaid stated that the question arises on how <br /> long fill has to be in the ground before it is considered natural. <br /> There was discussion among the members concerning a denitrification unit and the <br /> fact that it would have no advantage based on the residence being a seasonal <br /> residence and the fact that they are close to Nantucket Sound. <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky stated that he can design a system to handle three bedrooms on <br /> that lot. <br />