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MINUTES October 28, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid suggested that the Board consider actually doing a perc in the fill. <br /> Preliminary discussion took place with the number of bedrooms in the existing <br /> dwelling. The Board members indicated that they are satisfied that the dwelling had <br /> three bedrooms at one time. The Engineer to submit the plans at a later date. The <br /> Board continued this agenda item, subject to plans being received. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Ed Pirozzi/122 Old Brickyard Road Expansion <br /> Mr. Ed Pirozzi was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that he was recently out to this property with the builder, Mr. <br /> Gray. Mr. McQuaid stated that currently the house has two bedrooms upstairs and <br /> one bedroom in the basement. The owner wishes to enlarge the bathroom upstairs <br /> and make it into a master bathroom and turn the two bedrooms into a master <br /> bedroom and master bath. He is increasing the square footage of the upstairs; <br /> however, he is eliminating one bedroom. Mr. McQuaid commented that because he is <br /> increasing square footage, the policy kicks in where if you are increasing square <br /> footage and you don't have a Title V system, you have to upgrade to Title V, even <br /> though in this instance he is going down from three bedrooms to two bedrooms. <br /> There was discussion on the cesspools and the fact that he is eliminating one <br /> bedroom, which would decrease the requirement by 110 gallons. <br /> Mr. Doherty suggested that Mr. Pirozzi should have the system evaluated; and as long <br /> as it can handle the 220 gallons per day, it should be ok. <br /> Upon a question by Mr. Ball, Mr. Pirozzi stated that he has town water. <br /> Ms. Mayer informed Mr. Pirozzi of the new Title V requirements which are effective <br /> January 1, 2000. She stated that if the cesspools fail, Mr. Pirozzi will have to adhere <br /> to the new Title V requirements and it would be advisable for Mr. Pirozzi to upgrade to <br /> Title V now. There was discussion on the new Title V rules effective January 1, 2000. <br /> The Board of Health members recommended that Mr. Pirozzi have the cesspools <br /> inspected to make sure that they can handle the required 220 gallons per day. <br /> APPOINTMENT: ' Cape & Islands Engineering/6 Crosstree Way <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky, Cape & Islands Engineering, was in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated that what he is looking for from the Board is a verification and a <br /> variance to basically say that this system is adequate for a five-bedroom house. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky noted that back in October 1997, there was a failed septic system. Cape <br /> 8a Islands Engineering were hired to redesign the system. At that time, there was a <br /> miscommunication on the number of bedrooms in the house. Mr. Slavinsky was <br /> under the impression there were four bedrooms; therefore, the system was designed <br /> for four bedrooms. System was installed. Mr. Slavinsky stated that since that time, <br /> the owners have decided to sell the house. <br />