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I further believe allowing the only record of a public meeting to go to a private <br /> home for transcription is not proper safeguarding of same. I would suggest that, in the <br /> case of home transcription, a copy be utilized and the original held safe. <br /> There is no excuse for the Board's actions in this matter. Lack of knowledge can <br /> not be the excuse as they were advised by the Town Clerk of the laws requirements. Why <br /> were tapes erased? T hope the Barnstable County District Attorney's Office will take <br /> appropriate and timely action in this matter. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Edward A. Baker <br /> attachments: E. Baker Ltr., 11/15/99 <br /> BOHealth Ltr., 11/23/99 <br /> cc: Mashpee Board of Health <br /> Mashpee Town Clerk <br /> I <br /> i <br />