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04/20/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
04/20/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES April 13, 2000 5 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> it, you wouldn't necessarily be doubling their rate if they recycled because you would <br /> actually be pulling some of their waste removal. Rather than having ten yards of trash <br /> each week you would be having eight yards of trash. They would just have to pay for <br /> the other truck to come through in a lower co-mingle at half of what the trash disposal <br /> is so in the long run if they got their people involved in it they would probably profit. <br /> One of the trash haulers stated that at a condominium in Osterville the association. <br /> They whole group wanted to do it. They built whole little sections for the newspaper, <br /> plastic and glass. They charge them $2.00 per barrel. However, the town doesn't <br /> charge them to dispose of the material. If they did there wouldn't be any profit in it. <br /> Mr. Ball then asked how this was going to effect them if the Town made recycling <br /> mandatory. <br /> The last trash haulers to speak stated that it would kill them. The Browning and <br /> Ferris and U.S.A. Waste will have to be willing to do it for everyone and keep their <br /> rates down. <br /> Mr. Ball then stated that what he meant was that it would be mandatory for the <br /> residents in the town which would be inclusive of the condominiums. <br /> The same trash hauler then suggested that if the Town made it a law. He stated that <br /> the Town might have to help finance it. The state dropped making it a law because of <br /> the cost involved to the state. The stated determined that they couldn't enforce the <br /> law. Once it is made cost effective with the Federal and State government involved in <br /> recycling then it will become profitable. If you can make money or make it interesting <br /> to people then they will buy into it. He provided the following example: He charges his <br /> customers $2.00. They don't need a sticker. They can go right to the landfill and they <br /> don't charge them to enter. He then changes their service schedule to an every other <br /> week service because they have less trash. That saves them money in their trash <br /> costs. But, it has to be people that are serious about recycling. <br /> Another trash hauler stated that the customers he usually gets are the ones that don't <br /> want to load the trash into their cars and take it to the transfer station. They don't <br /> want to be inconvenienced. Some of the transfer stations are a little aggressive. The <br /> transfer station personnel will go through their bags to see if they are recycling or not. <br /> The people don't want them to go through their mail, etc. <br /> Another trash hauler asked if the by-laws were going to be inclusive of a flat rate. He <br /> asked Elias McQuaid to explain what is meant by a "flat rate". <br /> Ms. Warden responded by explaining, for example, that if Mr. Macomber offers to pick <br /> the recyclable material. He has to pick the recyclable at the same price as the regular <br /> bag of trash. He cannot make the price higher for the recyclable material. <br /> One of the trash haulers then stated, for example, if he has customers that don't have <br /> the recycling program and the Town of Mashpee makes the program mandatory. He <br /> will have go up $4.00 per month. Some people will refuse to recycle regardless of cost <br /> and others will just look to other vendors. <br />
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