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MINUTES April 13, 2000 6 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Another trash hauler then suggested that the trash haulers consider rewording the <br /> service as the charge for the recyclable material shall not exceed the charge for picking <br /> up the solid waste. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that he had only one other question. For example, if U.S.A. Waste or <br /> B.F.I. had recycling trucks with twenty yards of cardboard or full of "ones" or "twos", is <br /> the Town of Mashpee going to have a place to dispose of that freight? Picking up the <br /> larger volume is going to require that they bring it to New Bedford or somewhere else. <br /> Since the landfill doesn't have the ability to handle this material at the present time. <br /> Another trash hauler stated that at the previous meetings, the only representatives <br /> here were from the smaller companies. He told them that with the volumes that they <br /> would be picking up they could use his transfer station/recycling operation. No one <br /> from the bigger companies came. Therefore, this issue wasn't addressed. They don't <br /> have the capacity to handle the large volume recyclable material. <br /> Another trash hauler asked if the Town of Mashpee was going to make it mandatory? <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that they would love to see it at some point in time. But, they <br /> weren't capable of it at this point in time. <br /> A discussion ensued regarding the contracts the different trash haulers have with the <br /> different companies and what a mandatory recycling law would mean to them in dollar <br /> and cents increase to dispose of this type of material. They also discussed the <br /> population growth and attitudes towards recycling by the average homeowner. <br /> Ms. Warden asked the trash hauler who discussed the condominium recycling <br /> programs if the transfer station he uses requires "void slips". <br /> He responded that they don't need "void slips" because they don't "weigh in". They just <br /> bring them in. <br /> One of the trash haulers stated that one thing they run into, especially with small <br /> quantities of recyclable materials from different locations, you are usually not doing a <br /> recycling route. Therefore, it is difficult to separate the recyclable materials from each <br /> source such as the separate school locations and other commercial locations versus <br /> the recyclable material from the entire Town of Mashpee. It is difficult to quantify the <br /> weight for separate locations versus one location or separate contracts versus one <br /> contract. Then you have the co-mingling of different types of recyclable materials. In <br /> other words, you have to consider looking at it in a wholistic approach. <br /> Mr. Ball then asked if the condominium units had maintenance people. <br /> The trash hauler stated that they have subcontractors that they use. He stated that <br /> they have a unique problem because they twelve buildings with no basements. They <br /> don't have storage facilities which leaves them with no area to store all of the trash <br /> items. Therefore, the dumpsters are convenient. If they decided to do away with the <br /> dumpsters and forced the homeowners to obtain their own dump stickers, they would <br /> be at the dump every couple of days with a back of trash. They considered putting in a <br /> Ik compactor. They didn't want to take a chance because of the liability situation. Who <br /> I <br />