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MINUTES April 27,2000 3 Board of Health <br /> for this service. Mr. Pesce explained he did not know however, that Mr. Fletcher was contracted <br /> to determine soil compliance. <br /> Mr. Elias explained his staff report. Brian Dudley contacted Mr. McQuaid because someone <br /> called DEP regarding this project. He inquired as to the status. Mr. McQuaid responded it was <br /> on hold waiting wetlands delineation verification. The Board of Health had previously approved <br /> a Clivis Multrin black/grey water system and granted a variance of 2'.6' separation to <br /> groundwater. The Board was comfortable with the variance because it is only grey water. Mr. <br /> Dudley then pointed out that a composting black/grey water system is only allowed if a fully <br /> compliant title 5 system can be installed on the lot. <br /> Mr. McQuaid explained if the Board of Health wants to stand by its current approval,DEP <br /> would have to concur with that variance to title 5. <br /> Mr. Pesce asked what the likely response would be of DEP? <br /> Mr Doherty thinks DEP probably would not agree. <br /> Mr. Pesce stated he could show a title 5 compliant system only if the Board of Health waives the <br /> local bylaw of 4 feet above groundwater. The applicant understands the Board of Health was <br /> trying to be helpful by approving the Clivis Multrin system. However, for this to be successful, <br /> he must now prepare a design that does not require DEP approval. To do that, he will have to <br /> de-water the hole to do a perc test. One and one-half feet will have to be added to the mound. <br /> The applicant needs to know how the Board feels to determine if they can proceed. <br /> Mr. Doherty said if they are looking for permission to do a de-watered perc test,they can go <br /> ahead. However if they are asking for approval of the plan that needs a variance from the 4 foot <br /> separation, he won't approve it-, even though it is just a token approval because the applicant will <br /> go with the Clivis Multrin. <br /> Mr. Pesce said their plan will not show anything less than 4 foot separation because if it does, <br /> DEP gets it. <br /> Mr. McQuaid said the Board of Health regulation says there has to be 4 feet of natural soil and it <br /> has to be above groundwater. It does not allow mounding to create the 4 feet. <br /> Mr. Pesce said there is 4 feet of naturally occurring impervious soils but right now it is below <br /> groundwater. They are confident they can de-water the hole. For this to get approved, the Board <br /> has to accept the pert test and they will have to mound the system. <br /> Mr. Cram said this is an extremely small lot. Can they get to a 3-1 ratio for slope? <br /> Mr. Pesce said not in the location they propose for this system. They will need variances for the <br /> retaining walls, which this Board has the authority to grant. <br /> Mr. Ball said they have not granted those variances very often. Mr. Doherty added they have not <br /> granted them for new construction. If it is a situation where it won't work,the lot becomes <br /> unbuildable. <br /> The Board agreed they want to think about this and research their own records before making a <br /> decision. <br /> Mr. Pesce re-iterated their request for approval of a de-watered perc test and for the system to <br /> have a higher mound than is currently proposed. <br />