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MINUTES April 27, 2000 4 Board of Health <br /> Mr. Doherty asked how much higher over the existing grade? <br /> Mr. Pesce said the current plan shows bottom of the system will be at elevation 3.1, which is at <br /> grade. With the new proposal, bottom will be 1.5 feet higher. <br /> Mr. Cram noted the report by P. Fletcher anticipates water levels will be higher during full moon <br /> and different tide stages. Mr. Pesce agreed, said adjustments will be done to the satisfaction of <br /> the Board. <br /> Mr. McQuaid asked if they still propose a retaining wall at the property line. That needs a title 5 <br /> variance, which requires it be 10 feet off the line. Mr. Pesce said local boards have the authority <br /> is issue a variance. <br /> Mr. McQuaid added that the Board would have to hold a full title 5 public hearing to decide on <br /> that variance. <br /> Mr. McQuaid asked the applicant, if they comply with all Board of Health regulations, why still <br /> go with the Clivis Multrin system? Mr. Pesce said it allows for a bigger house. <br /> Mr. Smith, who arrived after the discussion began, said Mr. Fletcher was supposed to determine <br /> a wetlands line but he did a soils test. Mr. Smith does not know why this was done? <br /> Ms. Warden explained she went to the site.with Mr. Fletcher because she questioned the original <br /> perc test, there was questions between the B & C layers. While out there she asked him to check <br /> the soils and he agreed. She asked him to log the soils. They match Mr. Pesce's soils log. <br /> Mr. Smith said it was his understanding this matter was settled. <br /> Mr. Ball said this request was made by the Health Agent and it is the Board's call. <br /> Mr. Smith added, that since this was approved, he has been spending considerable amount of <br /> money going forward with this lot. <br /> The Board agreed to continue the appointment to next week at 7:30 p.m. <br /> Mr. Pesce cannot attend next week and asked the meeting to be continued to May 1 I at 8:00 <br /> p.m. Mr. Smith decided that he did not want to wait to hear from the Board for two weeks and <br /> will attend next week at 7:30 p.m <br /> 7:45 Appointment with William Henchy/Cape and Islands 133 Tide Run <br /> This appointment was postponed. <br /> 8:00 Appointment 5 Star/R. Thomas Illegal Dumping Citati n <br /> Mr. Richard C. Thomas was present. <br /> Ms. Warden summarized this situation. Two weeks ago the Conservation agent found some <br /> illegal dumping on Great Hay Road,took pictures and brought them to Ms. Warden's attention. <br /> There was a 10 x 4 foot pile of construction debris and Ms. Warden found Mr. Thomas' name <br /> and company logo on some debris. She was aware the Board licensed him for landscaping <br /> business and 2 days later he came in the office and was told he could not get a permit because of <br />