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MINUTES April 27, 2000 5 Board of Health <br /> illegal dumping. <br /> Mr. Thomas, after looking at the photos, agreed it was his material but explained he hired a <br /> dumpster from Five Star and paid monthly for disposal of this debris. When called,Five Star <br /> said they did not dump the debris. <br /> The Board of Health directed Ms. Warden to issue a citation to both parties for$300. <br /> Both parties asked to be on the agenda however Mr. Ramsey from Five Star did not attend. <br /> Mr. Thomas explained he had Five Star clean the site and they charged him for 5 yards of <br /> material. He admits that it is his debris, he put most of it in the dumpster himself but he expected <br /> Five Star to dispose of it properly. <br /> Mr. Cram said he appreciates and believes what Mr. Thomas is saying, however because he is <br /> the property owner, based on the regulations, he is responsible. It is difficult for the Board to <br /> deal with Five Star. <br /> Mr. Thomas wants it to go on record that he did not do this and wants the Board of Health to <br /> know that. He will not be using Five Star again. <br /> Mr. Ball asked Mr. Thomas if this were to go to court, would he go? Mr. Thomas said he would. <br /> Mr. Thomas said if the dumpster was full on Wednesday evening, March 29th and then empty <br /> and back in place on Friday, March 3 1'at 8:10 a.m., yet the transfer stations was not open <br /> during that time, how did Five Star empty the dumpster? ` <br /> Mr. Doherty made a motion to rescind the citation issued to Mr. Thomas. Mr. Cram seconded <br /> the motion. All members were in favor 3-0. <br /> Mr. Cram made a motion to enforce the citation issued to 5 Star. Mr. Doherty seconded the <br /> motion. All members were in favor 3-0. <br /> Mr. McQuaid explained the citation was issued April 21'they have 21 days to pay. <br /> There is a general law against illegal dumping, with a $1,000 fine but it must go to court. <br /> Mr. Ball noted this dumping occurred on Federal land. <br /> OLD B11SINESS <br /> DEP response re: Dino's &Deer Crossing Marketplace Deli seating expansion. <br /> This item was before the Board last week. They expected something in writing from Brian <br /> Dudley, DEP but did not have it, therefore continued it to this week. <br /> Mr. McQuaid spoke to Mr. Dudley last Friday, who explained he was back logged but would get <br /> it in writing to the Board. By 7:00 p.m. this evening, nothing has been received from Mr. <br /> Dudley. <br /> Mr. Ball sate the Board agreed they would have a letter from DEP. <br /> Mr. Cram will not act until he has something in writing from DEP. <br />