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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> May 4, 2000 <br /> Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. <br /> Members present: Steven R. Ball, John T. Doherty, Robert F. Cram, Sr., Elias A. <br /> McQuaid, and Veronica A. Warden <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING; IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. Steven R. Ball, Chairman <br /> 1. Sign warrants. Warrants signed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Don Megathlin of SouthCape Village <br /> Mr. Donald Megathlin and Mr. Charles Talanian of SouthCape Village and Mr. Dennis <br /> Mahoney of Life at Mashpee were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Megathlin began with an update on the proposed SouthCape Village on Route 28, <br /> Mashpee and their application to the Cape Cod Commission. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "As you know last year the Board approved Life's connection to <br /> the leaching field on a one-year interim basis. Before we get close to that one year, it's <br /> time for it to come back before us for an update." <br /> Mr. Megathlin stated, "We've had enormous support from Town government, from the <br /> Board of Selectmen all the way down to the appointed agencies. The Board of Health <br /> has supported us on two occasions and we appreciate that support. Tonight we're <br /> here because we need your help as opposed to your offer to help us in the past. We <br /> have had a problem with the Cape Cod Commission and we continue to have a <br /> problem. We certainly agree with them on wanting to protect the environment. We <br /> support mitigation as a way of protecting the environment. What we don't support is <br /> when there is no certainty and there are no standards and the standards aren't <br /> followed when they said they would be followed. In June of last year we got our permit <br /> to do the sewer to Life and about a month later I came before this board and you were <br /> kind to offer your support. Although I had been working with Elias previous to that, <br /> both on the wastewater and then on this interim system, there was never any <br /> discussion of the word denitrification in any discussions that we had. In March of this <br /> year we received a letter from the Cape Cod Commission in which they stated "it <br /> appears" that Life at Mashpee should be using 19 ppm instead of 35 ppm in their <br /> calculations. That was a real shock to us because we had no idea. We really don't <br /> know what to do." <br /> Mr. Megathlin continued, "There are three things we'd like to say about denitrification <br /> and why we strongly disagree with their contention. First, denitrification had never <br />