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MINUTES May 4, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> been discussed by this Board except on two occasions and it's in your minutes. It was <br /> discussed as a policy and it was discussed way before the regulation went into effect <br /> so it really has no bearing on his regulation. Secondly, they said that denitrification <br /> should be used if the Talanian Realty project is never going to be built. Well, it is <br /> going to be built and we are going to get our permit. Thirdly, and we certainly have a <br /> good paper trail on this, the issue of denitrification was never discussed by anybody <br /> from the Commission. It just came up in March. We were totally shocked that they <br /> would change the ballgame and that they would go from a certain standard and now <br /> they have created more uncertainty and, obviously, Mr. Talanian made a huge <br /> investment based on the standard that they told us back in June of last year." "We <br /> are here tonight to ask you, once again, to go to the well and, if you feel it's <br /> appropriate to offer a more detailed answer on the issue of denitrification because that <br /> is the issue." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I think the issue here is the credits and whether or not Talanian <br /> should be afforded the credits for hooking Life in. The issue is that when we <br /> discussed this interim system, we were all for it and we bent a little bit in allowing Life <br /> to connect to the leaching field. Our regulation was not in effect at the time. We had <br /> a verbal understanding with Life that should the Talanian project for some reason fall <br /> through, that they agree to then put in a denite system. As far as us having a <br /> regulation in place forcing Life to put in a denite, we didn't have that. We had a verbal <br /> understanding with Life. I think that's what the Commission is hassling with. Would <br /> they have been required? No. We had a verbal understanding but we didn't have a <br /> regulation that would require it. I think that's the key. I think my correspondence <br /> with the Commission stated that Life understood or agreed, but there is no regulatory <br /> force behind the understanding. That's the issue. But I don't know how to resolve it. <br /> The minutes reflect this understanding." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "We should look at this chronologically. That is was strictly a <br /> verbal arrangement prior to the enaction of our regulation. But the installation of a <br /> denite would have been voluntary on the part of the applicant and that the Board saw <br /> an opportunity and encouraged the co-mingling of the systems with the understanding <br /> that it's going to be an amphridome. But, we need to stress the fact that there was no <br /> legal mechanism at the time that the permits were issued to force the applicant to <br /> install any type of denitrification. It was strictly a voluntary, verbal agreement. Our <br /> position hasn't changed. We've always encouraged the use of the systems, we always <br /> will. Now we require it in certain circumstances. But, it is not a reversal or a change <br /> in what we did, it's just reiterating what happened. We need to stress that it was prior <br /> to the enaction of the regulation and that it was voluntary. No legal mechanism was <br /> in place to enforce that." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to direct the agent to draft a clarification letter to the Cape Cod <br /> Commission regarding the SouthCape Village and Life at Mashpee projects. Mr. Cram <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Tom Smith re: 266 Monomoscoy Road <br /> Mr. Smith was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> At the meeting on April 27, 2000 the Board members continued this item so that they <br /> could review the file information. <br />