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i MINUTES May 25, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> I <br /> a load of residential trash. He was upset because this cost him so much. <br /> When asked, the gate attendant stated that they did collect money from him for <br /> a load of trash. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Seeing that the complaint is anonymous, we can't respond <br /> to it. However it still needs to be addressed." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to send a letter to the operator of the transfer station <br /> reminding him that only Mashpee residents are allowed to use the transfer <br /> station and only material from Mashpee is allowed to be disposed of there, <br /> brought in by a Mashpee resident with a valid transfer station sticker, permit or <br /> temporary pass. Under absolutely no conditions are people from outside of <br /> town, without permits, allowed to use the transfer station because the <br /> taxpayers of Mashpee subsidize the operation of the facility. The operator <br /> should also-be reminded that the Board of Health has the authority to audit his <br /> books at any time. Mr. Santos added that he would like to see the $20.00 for <br /> the load of residential trash returned to the Town. Mr. Santos seconded the <br /> motion. Motion passed. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> a. Taste of Mashpee <br /> Ms. Warden stated that the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce is holding the <br /> annual Taste of Mashpee on June 4th at Mashpee Commons. There will be <br /> approximately 20 vendors for this non-profit event. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to waive the temporary permit fees for the Taste of <br /> Mashpee on June 4th. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> b. Massage Therapist license <br /> Ms. Warden stated that Angela Church is requesting a massage therapist <br /> license. Her training is from the Bancroft School, which requires more hours of <br /> education than The Dovestar Institute. Ms. Church is also nationally certified. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 2000 massage therapist license to Angela Church. <br /> Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> C. Selectmen liaison listin_ <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> a. Variance request: 6 Great River Road <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance of 10'from the proposed soil absorption <br /> system to the street property line, a 5'variance from the proposed soil <br /> absorption system to the property line of house #8, a variance of 6' from the <br /> proposed reserve area to the slab of the storage shed, a variance of 10'from the <br /> proposed reserve area to the property line of house #8, a local variance of 30' <br /> from the proposed soil absorption system to the inland of the coastal bank and <br /> Great River, an a variance of 45'from the proposed reserve soil absorption <br />