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06/15/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
06/15/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES June 15, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> some upwelling of contamination that is actually coming up into the pond. As you <br /> move further south of the pond, the water actually drains out of the pond. The water <br /> enters in the north side and discharges from the midway point down, sinking within <br /> the aquifer. We see shallow contamination which is definitely coming into the pond, <br /> although not detectable. We have sampled the surface water where this upwelling is <br /> occurring and we are not seeing it because of the relatively low mass amount of <br /> contamination and the fact that these are large bodies of water that it's being put <br /> into." "We are talking about a mass of contamination just north of the pond. There is <br /> contamination underneath the pond. We know there is a finger and there may be <br /> other fingers south of the pond that they need to find. That is part of the land-based <br /> drilling. In theory within the next three years, this extraction fence will serve the <br /> purpose of cutting off this plume and allowing clean water to fill in through rainfall <br /> and from coming in through the sides. This area of contamination should be gone <br /> within about a 3 year window and we can move out of that Horseshoe Bend, Tri-Town <br /> Circle area." "We do have two extraction wells in the area between the ponds that we <br /> started up in January, along Hooppole Road. One is addressing the CS-10, very <br /> narrow contamination, the other addressing the lower portion of storm drain 5 (SD-5). <br /> Both of these plumes, SD-5 and CS-10 plume, discharge to John's Pond. It's.proven <br /> through our on-pond drilling and other work that we've done out there. We've never <br /> seen evidence of SD-5 contamination showing up in John's Pond, however we have <br /> been able to measure very low levels of TCE contamination about 75 feet off the shore <br /> at this location, upwards of about 3 ppb 6-inches from the pond bottom in five feet of <br /> water at that location. It's a very small area of discharge and that information has <br /> been shared with the public health agencies and there is no risk at all with that." "I <br /> don't believe we've done any recent re-sampling of the water in that area." "These <br /> systems have been operational since January. Within a very short timeframe, about a <br /> 2-year timeframe, they should be effectively cutting off the contamination entering <br /> John's Pond. The groundwater flow in this area is fairly rapid so you should see this <br /> area clearing out within a year and a half." "There are two recirculation wells with a <br /> little different type of technology. Instead of pumping water out, we are actually <br /> treating below ground surface using an air stripper. They are right in the <br /> neighborhoods. Those will operate for about 7 more years, until the contamination <br /> makes its way down to the recirculation wells and the extraction wells." "We have a <br /> system of wells right at the base boundary up off of Back Road cutting off the SD-5 <br /> plume. That was installed 21/2 years ago; over the 21/2 years, because the groundwater <br /> flow rate is about 1.5-2 feet per day, there is all clean water out in that area. We are <br /> going to continue to see this back edge of the plume move down and eventually, within <br /> about a 7-year window now, Briarwood will not have any of the SD-5 plume present. <br /> At least that is what our computer modeling suggests." "We are achieving 100% <br /> capture at the extraction count. There is nothing presently getting by and we don't <br /> anticipate that to happen. We expect to see the same kind of separation over here <br /> unless we get more data in the next 6-12 months we'll be able to show that <br /> separation." <br /> Mr. Karson continued, "In talking about pond testing, Elias has been coordinating <br /> pond testing for a number of years on John's and Ashumet Ponds that we're been <br /> funding. Some of that work, we've done a lot of testing over the years looking at pond <br /> water quality and not seeing any problems with the pond water quality. The detects <br /> that we saw in John's Pond associated with the upwelling of CS-10, but based on the <br /> fact sheet handed out earlier, there is a statement in there that it does not pose a <br />
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