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06/15/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
06/15/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES June 15, 2000 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> public health risk because of those really low levels. There are no plans right now to <br /> do any more on-pond drilling. We are basically off the ponds for the foreseeable <br /> future, maybe forever, based on what our land-based drilling tells us in the next 6-12 <br /> weeks." "I want to talk about the bog system briefly. If you've been out to the bogs at <br /> all, you've seen the system that we have out there. It's designed to try to capture all <br /> the EDB that's upwelling into the Quashnet River. It's been somewhat successful, not <br /> 100% reduction in EDB, but we've been able to knock the levels down quite a bit. The <br /> main point is that the system that is there is now, and has been, showing no EDB <br /> leaving that upper bog system of the Quashnet River. It's not continuing to travel <br /> down the Quashnet River; we've cut off that flow. It's contained within the bog <br /> system. A lot of sampling locations have gone to non-detects. We still have levels of <br /> EDB in surface water there and we are still evaluating that system." "The last issue I <br /> have is on private well issues. We have a lot of private wells in the town of Mashpee, <br /> in these areas I've been talking about. The first area that has most recently come to <br /> light, which has to do with FS-1, is Ashumet Road off of Route 130. We became aware <br /> of some properties down here. There is actually one home that is inhabited at.the end <br /> of the street; it sits on top of the plume as it is presently depicted here. There is <br /> another house under construction right across the street. The one that is inhabited <br /> has a private well as it's only source of water. The one across the street has received a <br /> well drilling permit. We sampled that one resident and three other homes just outside <br /> the plume boundary and they were all non:-detect for EDB and VOC's so no <br /> contamination found. Contamination in this area is very deep. We estimate almost <br /> 100 feet of clean water between where the plume would be expected to be and the well <br /> screen, on average. We shared all this information with the regulatory agencies and <br /> DPH and the agreement we have is that the home on top of the plume gets monthly <br /> testing and bottled water service which is in place. The other three homes will get <br /> semi-annual private well testing, twice a year, they are scheduled to be sampled this <br /> month and then again in September, and they are not getting bottled water. The one <br /> thing that remains is the final solution to try to eliminate that future potential risk <br /> because we know what it's like now but we don't know what it might be months or <br /> years from now. AFCEE is currently evaluating bringing municipal water in here." <br /> "The other area is John's Pond. There are a lot of homes and a lot of private wells still <br /> in use down here. All of the properties that were sampled in this area, dozens and <br /> dozens over the years have all met drinking water standards and we have found <br /> sporadic low, low detections of things like chloroform, that's very persistent. MTBE is <br /> becoming more common which is nothing to do with the base. We occasionally see <br /> some tolulene hits or PCE or TCE, but there are no patterns that would suggest that <br /> something is there or is a threat to these properties. They are in our semi-annual <br /> program and we do the testing free of charge to those areas." <br /> Mr. McQuaid expressed his concern over the FS-1 plume as it relates to the new <br /> homes on Ashumet Road. He was bothered that the Board of Health wasn't <br /> adequately notified of the threat of contamination in that area. He further stated that <br /> he would rather see a charcoal filtration system instead of providing bottled water and <br /> periodic testing. He also stated that the Board of Health needs more notification of <br /> these types of situations. <br /> Mr. Mike Minior stated that the IRP is committed to providing periodic updates and <br /> meetings regarding contamination and plumes and that is exactly what they were <br /> doing on this evening. Mr. Minior stated that they would take that request back and <br />
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