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MINUTES June 22, 2000 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 5. Mr. Doherty stated that, in other words, they couldn't come down here <br /> and tell Elias what to do. He can respectfully respond that they need to <br /> address their request to the Board members. An exception can be the <br /> clerk due to the collective bargaining issue. <br /> 6. Mr. Santos also had a question regarding the transfer station. He stated, <br /> "The article on compactors that was voted on at town meeting that the <br /> Board of Health, the governing Board, find and appropriate that money <br /> for the compactors and how can the Selectman just come in and assume <br /> that responsibility without going back to town meeting to have the <br /> wording changed or whatever they have to do?" <br /> Further discussion took place regarding the wording of each of the above <br /> questions to town counsel. <br /> f. Health Agent Mileage - Mr. McQuaid submitted a request for mileage <br /> reimbursement to the Board members for approval. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that he would not sign the voucher. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated that he would like to see a policy set regarding the use of the <br /> town vehicle. <br /> Mr. Santos questioned whether the Board of Health should look into the <br /> possibility of acquiring another vehicle. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to set an office policy stating that whenever there is a <br /> scheduled meeting early in the morning the Board authorizes the Agent or <br /> Assistant Agent to take-the town vehicle home the night prior to enable them to <br /> get an early start the next morning. Mr. Santos seconded. <br /> Being no further business, Mr. Ball motioned to adjourn this meeting at 8:00 p.m., Mr. <br /> Santos seconded, all agreed. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Lucy B. Burton, Administrative Secretary <br /> G�� <br />