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06/22/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
06/22/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES June 22, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> d. Town Meeting Article - Mr. McQuaid stated that he is currently working on <br /> submitting an article for the October Town Meeting in an attempt to upgrade <br /> the position of Administrative Secretary to the Board of Health to Administrative <br /> Assistant. <br /> e. Transfer Station - Mr. Ball stated that he would like to discuss some items <br /> regarding the takeover of the transfer station operation by the Board of <br /> Selectmen. <br /> 1. Mr. Ball stated, "When the Board of Health, Coastal Waste Management <br /> and the Selectmen had their meeting, which was for a change order only, <br /> and that was legal. I think it was illegal for the Selectmen to jump in and <br /> vote to take over the transfer station and I'd like to see this in the <br /> Massachusetts General Laws where they can do that because it wasn't <br /> posted that way. It was posted for an inter-departmental meeting. I <br /> believe that was how it was posted." <br /> Mr. Doherty further stated, "They called it a workshop. It wasn't even <br /> really described as a meeting where any kind of an official action could <br /> be taken. A workshop is not an official meeting where you vote on <br /> things." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "So, I'd like to find out if that meeting was legal." <br /> 2. Mr. Ball further stated, "Two, if it was legal, do you need a unanimous <br /> vote, like at town meeting, because it was not a unanimous vote. It was <br /> 4-1. Wayne Taylor abstained because he wanted more information." <br /> 3. Mr. Ball continued, "'Three, I want to ask legal counsel if town meeting <br /> approval is required to take this away. I think that is an important <br /> question." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I think the question needs to be asked, one of the <br /> things that needs to be brought up in defense of that, obviously the <br /> agreement that we have a copy of from 1982. Essentially it was a joint <br /> agreement between the Board of Health and the Board of Selectmen and <br /> I think in order to change, it would also require a joint vote of both <br /> parties. Since both Boards issued it, it would take an agreement <br /> between both Boards to rescind it or to change it." <br /> Mr. Ball recommended that that also be asked of town counsel. <br /> 4. Mr. Ball continued, "The last question that I'd like to ask legal counsel is, <br /> can the Board of Selectmen take a line item from our budget at will <br /> without approval at town meeting? Can they just automatically at a <br /> meeting, without even posting it, say we're going to take this from you? <br /> These are questions that need to be asked." "Under MGL 111-27, which <br /> is the Board of Health, we are autonomous. The Agent, Assistant Agent <br /> and Secretary are under our authority." <br />
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