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MINUTES June 22, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> It is the unanimous opinion of the Board of Health that if the variance was <br /> requested it would not be approved. However, neither a plan nor an actual <br /> variance request has been presented to the Board. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Without definitive plans in front of us, the Board cannot <br /> render a decision one way or the other, however it is the indication of the Board <br /> members that they would not look favorably upon this request." <br /> 37 Nick Trail <br /> Applicant is requesting to upgrade an existing failed system with the following <br /> variances: a 5'variance from the soil absorption system to the property line, a <br /> variance of 17'from the soil absorption system to the cellar wall and a variance <br /> of 3'from the septic tank to the property line. <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned why the proposed water service is located on the <br /> adjacent lot. Board members questioned the ownership of the adjacent lot and <br /> why the system was designed in the location it was. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the variance requests due to lack of information <br /> from the engineer. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion to deny passed. <br /> 6. Human Services Contracts for signatures <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Human Service contracts. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> a. Ms. Warden updated Board members on a grant that has become available to <br /> the Human Services Committee and was discovered by Representative Nancy <br /> Caffyn. The Selectmen authorized $18,000 to be used for various Human <br /> Service agencies, rent, office supplies, etc. <br /> Board members directed Mr. McQuaid to send a letter of thanks for <br /> Representative Caffyn. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> a. Recycling Committee Appointments - Mr. Santos questioned whether the <br /> appointments had been completed. Ms. Warden stated that members had all <br /> been re-appointed. <br /> b. Agenda- Mr. Santos requested that Mr. McQuaid add Executive Session to the <br /> weekly agenda so that Board members may enter into Executive Session if <br /> necessary ha the future. <br /> C. CRT's - Mr. Santos questioned the status of the CRT's and associated fees. <br /> Discussion took place regarding what to charge for CRT's once the grant that is <br /> currently paying for them runs out and how to manage those funds. Ms. <br /> Warden will look into the possibility of setting up a revolving account for this <br /> item. <br />