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06/29/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
06/29/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES June 29, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: Gia Elliott re: stable application <br /> Ms. Gia Elliott was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. Abutters Frank <br /> Woodward and William Mullen were also in attendance for this appointment. <br /> Ms. Warden gave a brief history of the project. She stated that she initially went to the <br /> house in response to a complaint from one of the abutters. The complaint was that <br /> the corral was too close to the dwelling. She further reviewed the Board of Health's <br /> stable regulation, which requires 50' from a corral to a dwelling. Ms. Warden <br /> measured the distance from the corral to the edge of the house and found it to be 27'. <br /> Her suggestion to Ms. Elliott was to request a variance from the Board. She further <br /> stated that the Building Inspector was out at the house and that he made her correct <br /> some of the violations from that department. The corral encompasses the entire rear <br /> yard and the fence is very close to the property line, which is a building department <br /> issue, not a Board of Health issue. She continued by stating that the horse is <br /> currently not at the house yet, and that Animal Control Officer June Daley has been <br /> out there and is pleased with the stable. <br /> Mr. McQuaid asked Ms. Elliott is the Board of Health had signed off on the building <br /> permit application for the stable. Ms. Elliott provided an original of the application <br /> showing that the Health Agent had signed it. He further asked if there was a variance <br /> request for the composting taking place on site? He stated that any compost piles <br /> must be at least 150' from any private drinking water wells. <br /> j Ms. Elliott stated that she went over the entire application with Building Inspector Bill <br /> Hauck because she wanted to be sure everything was legal. Ms. Elliott stated that this <br /> issue doesn't have anything to do with a Board of Health regulation and that it is <br /> simply that her abutters don't want her to have a horse in her backyard. She further <br /> stated that moving the fence from its current location would be a hardship. <br /> Mr. Woodward of 5 Lisa Lane stated that he has concerns about the corral on Lisa <br /> Lane. He stated that he wants to be sure that the wells are safe and that all local <br /> rules are followed. His concerns are the water quality and the location of the fence. <br /> Mr. Woodward further stated that he has felt threatened by the applicant and her <br /> father. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that that would be a police matter and not a Board of Health matter. <br /> I <br /> i <br /> Mr. Woodward continued by stating that the corner of the corral was approximately <br /> 20'-30' from the corner of his house. <br /> Mr. Ball asked if Ms. Elliott had ever received a copy of the Board of Health stable <br /> j regulation during this process. <br /> Ms. Elliott stated that she had not. <br /> Mr. William Mullen of 1 Lisa Lane stated that he has no problem with the horse as <br /> long as the applicant follows the rules. His concern is that if the corral is too close to <br /> his house, there is the potential for fleas, flies and odor closer to his house. He <br /> further stated that he wants to see the regulation, as written, followed. <br />
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