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MINUTES June 29, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated that it was incumbent upon the applicant to be sure she was <br /> meeting all necessary town rules and regulations. <br /> Discussion took place regarding the possibility of the applicant permanently modifying <br /> the existing fence so that the necessary setbacks could be met. Board members <br /> advised the applicant that they would continue the matter until she came back before <br /> the Board with plans showing the permanent fence modifications. No decision would <br /> be made until that time. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Alec Watt re: Echo Road -- test wells <br /> Mr. Alec Watt and Mr. Ronald Gangemi were in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Mr. Watt stated that the applicant, Mr. Gangemi, was in the process of purchasing a <br /> 14-acre parcel on Echo Road and that section 174-27(B)(9) of the Town of Mashpee <br /> zoning by-laws required that parcels over 10 acres would be required to have <br /> monitoring test wells. Mr. Watt stated that the applicant would pledge to test the well <br /> and provide volatile organic compound test results to the Board of Health annually. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to modify the water quality requirement for 81 Echo Road and <br /> to allow the applicant to provide the Board of Health with annual volatile organic <br /> compound testing results. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Baxter, Nye & Holmjzren re: variance request for 48 Nick Trail <br /> Mr. John Holmgren, Mr. Joe Tarabelli and property owners Mr. & Mrs. Campbell were <br /> in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> The applicant is requesting a variance of 5' from the property line setback to the <br /> leaching trenches, a variance of 5' from the property line setback to the septic tank <br /> and a variance of 1' from the foundation to the septic tank. <br /> Mr. Holmgren stated that the applicant is looking to demolish the existing three- <br /> bedroom dwelling and construct a proposed three-bedroom dwelling as shown on a <br /> plan submitted to the Board. Mr. Holmgren further stated that the reason they didn't <br /> file this plan prior to January lst was that they believed that the dwelling could be <br /> considered a three-bedroom, however Mr. McQuaid inspected the home and found <br /> only two of the rooms met the building code for a bedroom. He stated that there is a <br /> hardship because Mr. & Mrs. Campbell have already sold their home off-Cape. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the property is located in a Zone II area and a perc test was <br /> performed in December of 1999 while the transition rules of Title V were still in effect. <br /> Had the plans and application been submitted by the end of last year, regardless of <br /> the size of the lot, an engineered plan for up to three bedrooms would have been <br /> approvable. After January 1st of this year, the Zone II regulation took place as written <br /> in the 1995 code which limits the number of bedrooms to 1 per 10,000 square feet or <br /> no more than the existing number of bedrooms should a house be demolished and <br /> rebuilt. Where this is a three-bedroom house proposed, I went out there to verify that <br /> three bedrooms existed. However, there are only two existing bedrooms. <br /> E <br />