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MINUTES July 20, 2000 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Landers-Cauley indicated that previously submitted plans had not been able to <br /> locate the well on a neighboring lot, but that well has been located and now it can be <br /> demonstrated that there are no wells within ISO' of the soil absorption system. He <br /> also stated that the proposed house is now smaller than originally submitted. The <br /> existing house will be demolished and a smaller house built on the lot. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that he wants to see a poly-barrier sealer on the foundation. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the variance as requested in a cover letter from J.E. <br /> Landers-Cauley, P.E. dated July 11, 2000 with the stipulation that a poly-barrier is <br /> applied to the foundation. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 9. Memo to Selectmen re: Semass Contract Amendment <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that he would be meeting with the Selectmen and would <br /> recommend that they approve the offer of amendment #2 to the Semass <br /> contract. <br /> i <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> 10. Installer's exam waiver request -- JP Morin <br /> Septic installer-Julius Morin is requesting that the Board waive the requirement <br /> to re-take the installer's licensing test in order for him to renew his license. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the office policy is to send out renewal letters in <br /> November and allow a licensed installer until June 30th of each year to renew <br /> their license. After that, they are required to re-take the installer's exam in <br /> order to be licensed. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the request by Julius Morin to waive the testing <br /> requirement to renew his lapsed license. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. <br /> Motion to deny passed. <br /> 11. Portable sticker complaint M. Marshall <br /> Discussion took place regarding recent complaints about the punch cards for <br /> the transfer station. Board members acknowledged the written complaint and <br /> stated that they would review the policy when they review all fees at the end of <br /> the year. <br /> 12. Preliminary subdivision_plan -- Haystack Realty Trust <br /> Board members reviewed preliminary subdivision plans submitted for Haystack <br /> Realty Trust. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to approve the preliminary subdivision plan for Haystack <br /> Realty Trust on Industrial Drive. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion <br /> passed. <br />