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MINUTES July 20, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Kirrane stated, "We're here to discuss some thoughts that we had relative to the <br /> prospective development of the property at 265 Monomoscoy Road and to determine <br /> whether or not we'd just be wasting our time. Before we spend a lot of money on <br /> engineering, going to Conservation and things of that nature, because the critical <br /> issue relative to the development of the site will be the ability to locate softie type of a <br /> septic system on the site we thought we would just come and discuss it with you first. <br /> We'd like to get your thoughts and give you our thoughts as it relates to the site." "It's <br /> going to be one buildable lot, combining the three lots, assuming it can be done. The <br /> problem as I understand it is, based upon the digging that has occurred out there to <br /> do a soil analysis, is that the only way that one can maintain the appropriate <br /> separation between the bottom of the leach field and groundwater is to have a <br /> mounded system. I fully understand that the Board has a more strict requirement <br /> than Title V as it relates to having a mounded system. Also, in reading that particular <br /> regulation, it appears that the regulation was adopted to better protect the drinking <br /> water supply and the question I pose is, if it can be demonstrated that there are no <br /> drinking water wells that would be within the prescribed 150' from well to septic, <br /> would it be possible to apply for relief from that mounded system regulation which <br /> would enable us to install a system on this site." "There would be, in addition to the <br /> variance relief from the regulation relative to mounded systems, there would probably <br /> be a need for a variance relative to its location to wetlands." "It would probably be <br /> within 75' of the wetlands and there would probably be a need for a variance from the <br /> location and proximity to the street." <br /> Mr. Ball responded that the Board would want to see the system as close to the street <br /> as possible and that if the system were to be closer than 100' to the wetlands, an <br /> ultraviolet light and denitrification unit would be required. <br /> Discussion took place regarding the possibility of a mounded system and the <br /> performance of a dewatered perc test. Board members stated that a mounded system <br /> would not be allowed and that bringing in fill to create the 4' separation from <br /> groundwater to the bottom on the leaching facility is not an option. Title V states that <br /> the 4' separation must be naturally occurring soil. Board members stated that they <br /> are considering a regulation prohibiting dewatered perc tests, however there is <br /> currently not one in effect. <br /> Mr. Petrin stated that his client would be interested in a Clivus Multrum composting <br /> system if it would permit him to be able to build on this lot. <br /> Board members, Mr. Kirrane and representatives from BSC agreed that this was an <br /> informational discussion only and that no decisions would be made on this matter at <br /> this time. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Jack Landers-Cauley re: 52 Uncle Henry's_Road <br /> Mr. Landers-Cauley was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> The applicant is requesting a variance of 9'-4" from the soil absorption system to the <br /> slab on grade. <br /> I <br />