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MINUTES July 20, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 7. Commercial System -- 64 Algonquin Avenue <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that there are two systems being proposed for the two <br /> buildings of Canal Auto Body with a daily flow of the first being 406 gallons and <br /> 469 gallons for the second. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that since the flow is in excess of 600 gallons per day it would <br /> require a deraitrification unit. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the approval request for Canal Auto Body at 64 <br /> Algonquin Avenue. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion to deny passed. <br /> 8. Response from Holmes & McGrath re: 37 Nick Trail <br /> Ms. Karen Kelleher (owner) was in attendance for this agenda item. <br /> Mr. McQuaid updated board members on the project at 37 Nick Trail, "If you <br /> recall last week when a representative from Holmes & McGrath was before us, <br /> he wasn't quite clear as to why they wanted to keep the Lot 5 free and clear. He <br /> maintained that it was a buildable lot even though it doesn't have the minimum <br /> square footage required today. He thought that maybe some time in the future <br /> it would become buildable and that's why he was asking for the variances as <br /> requested to keep everything on Lot 5." As a result of looking at the plan, "I <br /> went out and visited the site and talked to Bob Sherman. There is a definite <br /> slope and as it stands now with the system up on Lot 6, as was originally <br /> proposed, their requirement of a small mounded system just to maintain the <br /> separation to groundwater, so putting it further down didn't make sense and, <br /> plus hearing from Conservation that they would like to see this area protected, <br /> leads me to recommend that the Board approves the variances as requested <br /> knowing that Lot 5 will remain not buildable." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated that he felt it could be complicated in the future having the <br /> water service line on the adjacent lot. It would need an easement in the future <br /> if they were to ever sell the lot in the future. <br /> Ms. Kelleher stated that she is aware,that an easement would be required if she <br /> were ever to sell the lot in the future. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a variance of 5' from the proposed soil <br /> absorption system to the property line, a variance of 17' from the soil <br /> absorption to the cellar wall and a variance of 3' from the septic tank to the <br /> property line with a notation that the owner has been advised of the Board's <br /> concern of the water line on the adjacent lot. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. <br /> Motion passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: BSC Group re: preliminary discussion of 265 MonomoscoyRoad <br /> Michael Petrin and Norman Hayes of the BSC Group and Attorney Kevin Kirrane were <br /> I � <br /> in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br />