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MINUTES August 3, 2000 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to waive the perc as a separate activity requirement until <br /> the agent and engineer can verify the soils at the time of installation with the <br /> understanding that the owner is proceeding at their own risk. Mr. Ball <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Keveaney re: 685 Maushop Village <br /> Thomas and Regina Keaveney and Warren and Virginia Seaver were in attendance for <br /> this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mrs. Keaveney stated that she and her husband and parents are looking into <br /> purchasing this property from other family members. The cottage has been used as a <br /> three-bedroom cottage over the years. They would like permission to "someday build a <br /> three-bedroom home". <br /> Cape 8s Islands Engineering submitted a letter stating that the assessor's lot <br /> calculation of 19,800 square feet is inaccurate and that the actual square footage per <br /> the recorded plan is 19.948 square feet. This letter goes on to say that "as the <br /> property is located in a Zone 11, using 19,948 square feet and proposing a <br /> denitrification system (660 gpd/40,000 square feet allowed) the site can support a flow <br /> of 329.15 gpd." <br /> Discussion took place regarding the size of the lot, the use of a denitrification system, <br /> the number of bedrooms and the interpretations of Title V. <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that it would probably be possible for the Keaveney's to build a <br /> 3-bedroom home with a denitrification unit. <br /> Board members agreed to take no action until an engineer submits plans for approval. <br /> They also stated that it would be helpful for the family to submit to the Board any <br /> documentation they have showing how many bedrooms have historically existed at the <br /> cottage. <br /> 12. Emergency Failure Certifications <br /> 39 Bavview Road <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that the liquid level in the tank was about the outlet <br /> and the pit is 4/5 full. Being recommended is moving the tank more than 10' <br /> from the foundation and installing a distribution box and 2 500-gallon drywells. <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br /> 188 Walton Heath Wa <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that the liquid level in the tank is into the risers and <br /> that the installation of the reserve pit as per plans on file is warranted. <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br /> 31 Cappawack Road <br />