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MINUTES August 3, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to continue this appointment. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. <br /> Motion to continue passed. <br /> 9. Transfer Station cash register proposal <br /> Discussion took place regarding the need for a cash register at the transfer <br /> station. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to continue this discussion until the Recycling Committee <br /> and Coastal Waste Management is consulted. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. <br /> Motion to continue passed. <br /> 10. Friends of Mashpee Library One Day Food Permit Fee Waiver request (8/12/00), <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to waive the fee for a temporary food permit for the <br /> Friends of the Mashpee Library Artisan's Fair to be held on August 12, 2000. <br /> Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 11. Variance request <br /> 55 Uncle Edward's Road <br /> The applicant is requesting to decrease the separation from the proposed soil <br /> absorption system to the lot line of 59 Uncle Edward's Road by 1'-9" leaving a <br /> separation of 126'. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to grant this revised variance as stated in a cover letter <br /> from Cape & Islands Engineering dated July 27, 2000 with the condition that <br /> an H2O cover is installed. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 142 Quinaquisset Avenue <br /> The applicant is requesting a variance of 48' from the primary leaching to the <br /> well at Lot 41 Quinaquisset Avenue and a variance of 44' from the reserve <br /> leaching to the well at Lot 41 Quinaquisset Avenue. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to grant the variances as requested in a cover letter for <br /> Christopher Costa& Associates dated July 31, 2000. Mr. Ball seconded the <br /> motion. Motion passed. <br /> 26 Waterway <br /> The applicant is requesting a variance to waive the requirement of performing a <br /> perc test prior to the installation of the septic system. A perc test had been <br /> performed on the lot previously, but it wasn't near the location of the proposed <br /> septic system due to the overhead electrical lines, and existing trees and shrubs <br /> j on the lot. Being proposed is having the soils verified at the time of the <br /> installation by the engineer and health agent. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the lot was perked on June 8th of this year, but the <br /> j perc location was far from where the leaching is proposed. The engineer was <br /> told to re-perc at the leaching location. It is impossible to perc in that location <br /> until they go ahead and start construction of the septic system. <br />