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MINUTES August 3, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Klein stated that they are looking for approval for the septic for the temporary <br /> clubhouse at New Seabury. He stated that the existing clubhouse will be torn down at <br /> the end of September and a new one is to be built by Memorial Day next year. At that <br /> time the new wastewater treatment plant will be on line. They are looking to have <br /> temporary trailers with a 750 gallon per day septic system which would require two <br /> variances: one to install the primary only with no reserve and the other to not require <br /> a denitrification unit since the system is over the 600 gallons per day. <br /> Discussion took place regarding the timing of the building of the new Clubhouse and <br /> the wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Ball stated that he would require a letter stating <br /> that the existing septic system would be abandoned when the treatment plant was <br /> completed. Board members agreed that the system could be approved for a period of <br /> one year. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to grant the variance to install the primary with no reserve and <br /> the variance to not install a denitrification unit for the New Seabury Clubhouse <br /> temporary trailers with,the stipulation that the Heath Agent receives a letter stating <br /> that the system will be permanently abandoned by Labor Day 2001 when the <br /> wastewater treatment plant is operational. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion <br /> passed. <br /> 7. Public Health Meeting Announcement -- 7/3 1/00 <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> 8. Seasonal Resident Informational Forum Announcement -- 8/24/00 <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> APPOINTMENT -- Mr. Robert Brooks re: 65 Treasure Lane <br /> Mr. Brooks was in attendance for this unscheduled appointment. <br /> Mr: Brooks stated that he is proposing to enlarge a bedroom at his house at 65 <br /> Treasure Lane. He further stated that he will upgrade his septic system in the future <br /> but can't afford it at this time. He is planning on expanding a bedroom and converting <br /> a front bedroom into a den. No additional bedrooms will be added and the home will <br /> remain a two-bedroom. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that since his cesspool is not a Title V system, Mr. Brooks would <br /> be restricted from adding living his home without upgrading the system. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to approve Mr. Brooks' request to expand one bedroom with the <br /> stipulation that the Health Agent receives a letter stating that no additional bedrooms <br /> will be added, that it will remain as a two-bedroom home and that Mr. Brooks agrees <br /> to upgrade his septic system in the future. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion <br /> passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT -- Rob Mills Charles Russo re: 64 Algonquin Avenue Canal Auto Bod <br /> Mr. Mills and Mr. Russo were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Mills indicated that the engineer was not in attendance and that he would like to <br /> re-scheduled the appointment for the following meeting. <br />