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08/24/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
08/24/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES August 24, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> cost of the proposal. Mr. Cassanelli further stated that he has tried to get three quotes <br /> but has been unable due to the steep slopes. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the Board of Selectmen must approve and invoices above and <br /> beyond the agreed upon contract with Coastal Waste Management. <br /> Mr. Casannelli then presented Board members with an invoice for the demolition and <br /> removal of a 40-foot tire trailer at the transfer station. This invoice was for $450.00 <br /> for work already completed. <br /> Mr. Santos recommended that the invoice be paid and Ms. Warden agreed. The trailer <br /> was in disrepair and was falling apart when the contractor attempted to move it to the <br /> metal pile for disposal. Coastal Waste Management demolished the trailer and <br /> removed it completely, thereby remedying a potentially dangerous situation. <br /> Mr. Cassanelli presented the Board with an invoice for the repair of a water problem <br /> that caused washout to a portion of roadway near the recycling area. These repairs <br /> were done at the request of Weston & Sampson. The invoice was for $500.00 for work <br /> already completed. <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that this repair had been budgeted for in the capital <br /> improvement program for this fiscal year, however he wasn't sure exactly how much <br /> was budgeted for for this particular phase of work. <br /> Mr. Cassanelli stated, "This is a water problem that Darrell (Thompson of Weston & <br /> Sampson) talked to you about. It was supposed to be just temporary, but we fixed it <br /> so good that it can be permanent. We don't have to go back to it. We slid it right; we <br /> dug it up and put some stone under it and then we put those blocks to hold back the <br /> wall and we put stone behind the wall. This is right behind the charity boxes; it was <br /> washing out the roadway." <br /> Finally, Mr. Cassanelli presented Board members with a proposal and three quotes for <br /> the purchase and installation of a waste oil heating system. The quotes range in price <br /> from $6,600.00 to 7,595.00. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the contractor is responsible for the utilities associated with <br /> running the transfer station. One of the utilities is-to keep the place heated so the <br /> pipes don't freeze and burst. The proposal here is to put in a heating system using the <br /> waste oil at this cost." <br /> Mr. Cassanelli stated, "We put a heating system into the bathroom so it wouldn't <br /> freeze. The fact is that the building has never had a heating system and it should <br /> have because the pipes and the doors freeze and the drains freeze. The water that <br /> falls off the cars freezes too. If someone slips..." <br /> Mr. McQuaid interjected, "I'm not denying that it's necessary, Moe, believe me." <br /> Mr. Cassanelli continued, "There are three or four municipalities on the Cape that use <br /> these types of heating systems." "I have heat in my office from the bathroom. The <br /> office and the bathroom don't freeze up, it's the pipes that go from the office and when <br />
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