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i • <br /> MINUTES August 24, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to approve the revised plans submitted for 17 and 23 <br /> Alma Road. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 7. Septic permit extension request -- 5 Aries Lane <br /> Mr. Kent Haven submitted a request to extend a septic permit for 5 Aries Lane <br /> due to the ill health of his mother over the past year. Mr. Haven is considering <br /> selling the lot and is requesting an extension of the septic permit. The permit <br /> was issued on June 2, 1997 and expired on June 2, 2000. <br /> The prospective buyer, Geoffrey A. Willis of Mashpee, submitted another letter <br /> specifying that the extension being requested is for one year from the date of <br /> expiration. <br /> Mr. Santos questioned why the extension should be granted if he is selling the <br /> lot. The new owner would not have the same hardship as Mr. Haven. The <br /> hardship would no longer be valid if he intends to sell the lot. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to deny the septic permit extension as requested by Kent <br /> O. Haven in a cover letter dated August 21, 2000. Mr. Ball seconded the <br /> motion. Motion to deny passed. <br /> 8. Variance Re nest <br /> 11 East Road <br /> The applicant is requesting a variance of 10' from the front lot line to the edge of <br /> leaching and a variance of 10' from the lot sideline to the edge of leaching. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to grant the variances as requested in a cover letter dated <br /> August 18, 2000'from Pesce Engineering and Associates. Mr. Ball seconded the <br /> motion. Motion passed. <br /> 4 Sakonnet Road <br /> The applicant is requesting a variance of 5' from the septic tank to the sideline. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to grant the variance as requested in a cover letter dated <br /> August 15, 2000 from Cape & Islands Engineering. Mr. Ball seconded the <br /> motion. Motion passed. (Additional sideline variances were granted <br /> previously.) <br /> APPOINTMENT: Coastal Waste Management re: Waste Oil Heat/Mowing Heat/Mowing Proposal <br /> Mr. Maurice Cassanelli was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Cassanelli presented Board members with a proposal for mowing eleven acres of <br /> capped landfill two times per year, to include equipment, labor and insurance. This <br /> proposal was for $8,600.00. Mr. Cassanelli stated that the slope is very steep and it is <br /> not possible for many vehicles to maneuver these inclines in order to mow the capped <br /> landfill area. <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that he would like to see Department of Public Works Director <br /> Greg Taylor look at the proposal and the slopes involved in order to substantiate the <br />