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,Y <br /> o <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH _ <br /> August 31, 2000 �_ <br /> cn <br /> Meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. ` <br /> Members present: Steven R. Ball, John T. Doherty, L. Glenn Santos, Elias A. McQuaid <br /> and Veronica A. Warden <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING; IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. Steven R. Ball, Chairman <br /> 1. Sign warrants. Warrants signed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Debbie Dami re: Sticker Office <br /> Town Clerk Debbie Dami was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Ms. Dami outlined her recommended program for a mail-in system for transfer station <br /> sticker sales for fiscal year 2002. She stated that she would like to mail the <br /> applications with the census forms in December, and the winter/spring excise and tax <br /> bills. The proposed program would allow residents to mail in their application, check, <br /> copy of vehicle registration and self-addressed stamped envelope and the stickers <br /> would then be mailed back to them beginning on June tat. She further stated that she <br /> would like to give residents a discount of$5.00 for mailing in their application as an <br /> incentive to use this new, simplified program. Ms. Dami is requesting the Board's <br /> support on this program due to the fact that her sticker office staffing budget has been <br /> cut for next year. <br /> Discussion took place regarding the logistics of the mail-in program and fiscal year vs. <br /> calendar year sticker dates. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that he is not in favor of offering a discount for the mail--in program. <br /> Board members and Ms. Dami agreed to further discuss this idea and attempt to <br /> finalize it by mid-November or early December. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Jim Kalweit re: 13 Seneca Avenue <br /> Mr. Kalweit was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The application was originally approved on February 3, 2000, It <br /> was submitted December 29, 1999 which was prior to the Title V change on January <br /> Pa." "The property is not in Zone II." "We have. received an Order of Conditions from <br /> the Conservation Commission also." <br />