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08/31/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
08/31/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES August 31, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned whether the concurrence letter from the abutter had been <br /> received. He further stated that if that letter is not on file, the Board must have a full <br /> hearing. <br /> Mr. Kalweit stated that there is a letter already from the abutter and that this abutter <br /> is also the person he bought the lot from. He volunteered to provide a copy of the <br /> letter if it is not in the file. Board members agreed. He stated that the main issue <br /> before the Board was the fact that a "wetland" area on the lot was delineated <br /> incorrectly and that he was now looking for a variance from 100' to 80' because this <br /> wetland area nearly doubled with the new delineation. <br /> Ms. Warden stated that Conservation Agent, Robert Sherman, has stated that the <br /> "wetland" area on the lot in question is probably an isolated wetland caused by road <br /> run-off. Ms. Warden further reminded the Board that they have already'approved the <br /> variances being requested and that the only real issue before the Board this evening <br /> has to do with the isolated wetland. <br /> Mr. Santos questioned the use of a dentrification unit's effectiveness by stating, "if it's <br /> not a wetland, then what are we really trying to protect?" <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I agree with what you are saying, but Conservation has given us a <br /> letter that essentially certifies that this is not a true wetlands, therefore, would not be <br /> impacted by untreated effluent. Therefore, what are we trying to protect? If the <br /> motion is to recognize that there is a reduced linear distance and grant a variance to <br /> the requirement for a denite, I would be inclined to grant it based heavily on the <br /> weight of the letter from Conservation." <br /> Mr. McQuaid suggested that the Board acknowledge the letter from Conservation <br /> Agent Sherman and to keep the originally approved plan and memo dated August 30, <br /> 2000 with the stipulation that the letter from the abutter is on file due to the fact that <br /> the location of the septic hasn't changed. Board members concurred. <br /> 2. Approve revised Minutes of Augqst 10 2000 meetin <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2000 meeting. <br /> Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 3. N/A Tobacco sales non-corn fiance -- Chaudh 's Market <br /> This item was placed on the agenda in error. <br /> 4. Illegal dumping citation: Gga Navickas <br /> Ms. Warden stated that Mr. Navickas' company, "Totally Down To Earth <br /> Landscaping" was known to have illegally dumped a number of cement parking <br /> bumpers in the Ockway Bay Boat Landing. She sent a citation on August 14, <br /> 2000 and the bumpers have since been removed. Mr. Navickas has not paid <br /> the fine for the violation; he has until September S, 2000 to respond to the <br /> citation. <br /> Board members decided to continue this item until the next meeting in order to <br /> allow Mr. Navickas the appropriate number of days to pay the fine. <br />
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