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08/31/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
08/31/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES August 31, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 5. Bi-monthlyins ection -- landfill transfer station <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> 6. Failed system upgxade: 685 Maushop Village <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "This is before you because they have a failed system. it is <br /> a one-bedroom cottage where they are using the porch and part of the kitchen <br /> as bedrooms. The minimum size that can be designed to satisfy Title V is a 3- <br /> bedroom system. They've designed a 3-bedroom system; they are also going to <br /> install a tank that would be capable of holding a FAST unit in the future when <br /> and if they decide to renovate and expand their existing cottage to a full three- <br /> bedroom cottage." "They don't want to change the cottage right now. They <br /> want to upgrade their system. They have a failed cesspool. All they want to do <br /> is fix the system, put in this system, put a type of tank that will hold a FAST <br /> unit when and if they renovate this to a full three-bedroom cottage. And then <br /> you can decide if you want them to put the FAST or are you going to allow them <br /> to just stay with a Title V because they are using basically three bedrooms <br /> now." "You can either tell them now that they can go with three bedrooms as is <br /> with this new system or that they are going to have to put in a denite to have <br /> three bedrooms because of only having 20,000 square feet. Bare in mind, <br /> whatever goes in the ground here is going to end up in the sound. There are no <br /> wells between here and the sound so a denite isn't going to do much good. I <br /> can verify that there are three areas of the house that are being used as <br /> bedrooms, but they don't comply with the building code to be called bedrooms <br /> but they are used as bedrooms." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to approve the septic system repair plan submitted by <br /> Cape & Islands Engineering for the failed system at 685 Maushop Village. Mr. <br /> Santos seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 7. Emergency Failure Certification: <br /> 31 Marway <br /> It was indicated that the liquid in the tank was above the outlet, therefore the <br /> pit failed and the installation of two 500-gallon drywells was warranted. <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br /> 31 Mashie Circle <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that the pit was full and that the reserve should be <br /> installed as per the plan on file. <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br />
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