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MINUTES September 7, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Variance request: <br /> 4 Waterline Drive <br /> Abutter Steven Croopnick was in attendance for this agenda item. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "They want a 4-bedroom house. Our records show in <br /> 1975 when the first septic system went in that it was a 3-bedroom house and <br /> then subsequent to that it was inspected last November and the inspection <br /> report also shows a 3-bedroom house. It's not in a Zone lI so they are not <br /> limited by Title V to the number of bedrooms. It's simply what fits on the lot. <br /> They are voluntarily upgrading with a FAST system because they want to <br /> expand the house to a 4-bedroom house and it involves the variances as noted <br /> in the cover letter." "They are planning to tear down the existing house and re- <br /> build." <br /> Mr. Croopnick stated that he doesn't want his neighbors' septic system 7' from <br /> his property line.- He would like to see it moved over to at least 10' from the <br /> property line plus a work area. <br /> The applicant is requesting a variance of 5' from the sideline to the septic tank, <br /> a variance of 3' from the leaching facility to the property sideline and a variance <br /> of 24.8' from the leaching area to the salt marsh. <br /> Mr. Ball agreed with Mr. Croopnick's sideline concern. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the request as submitted and for the engineer to <br /> resubmit revised plans showing an increased distance from the septic tank to <br /> the property sideline. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion to deny passed. <br /> 7. "Forever Wild" -- APCC presentation Tuesda 9 19 00. <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> NEW BUSINESS - <br /> a. Emergency Failure Certification: <br /> 750 Cotuit Road <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that the leach pit is full and that the installation of a <br /> new pit and distribution box as per plan is required. <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br /> b. Food Service Establishment change of ownership <br /> Ms. Warden stated that the Brooklyn Bagel Company has been sold and is now <br /> called Mashpee Bagel Company. Ms. Warden stated that they recently had a <br /> satisfactory inspection. <br />