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09/07/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
09/07/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES September 7, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Dedecko stated, "What we have before you tonight is a modification. We bought a <br /> lot on Degrass Road and we found, in doing the title for the property, that the Town <br /> had on their books, 100' of frontage on the lot, the old plan which you have before <br /> you. The new plan shows only 50' of frontage. It went from 100' to 50'. Unfortunately <br /> it was half the lot. We did design a house that works on it. Unfortunately I'm in a <br /> situation where we have the building permit which was an existing building permit on <br /> the existing old plan and now because of the situation of the lot square footage it <br /> changes us dramatically. What I'd like to do is see if there is any relief in modifying <br /> the permit." "We build on small lots all the time; the problem is that it is 2000 versus <br /> 1999 rules. I actually have a building permit and I wrote a letter to Bill Hauck who <br /> has extended the building permit October 7, 1999." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to approve the revised plans, which indicates smaller lot <br /> coverage for 110 Degrass Road. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 5. Denite septic system proposal -- 132 Waterway <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that he visited the site and verified the existing four <br /> bedrooms on July 17, 2000. The applicant is planning to demolish the existing <br /> house and rebuild a four-bedroom home. A denitrification system is being <br /> proposed due to the proximity to the wetlands. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the variance to install a denitrification unit with <br /> remedial testing including TKN, nitrates and those requirements pursuant to <br /> 310 CMR 15.280 - 15,289. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 6. Variance Request: <br /> 128 Waterwa <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated the he verified that the existing dwelling has 2 bedrooms <br /> and that the owners are interested in demolishing the house and building a 3 <br /> bedroom home with a denitrification unit. The applicant is requesting a <br /> variance of the reserve area. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the variance of the reserve area-and to install a <br /> denitrification unit with remedial testing including TKN, nitrates and those <br /> requirements pursuant to 310 CMR 15.280 - 15.289. Mr. Santos seconded the <br /> motion. Motion passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Gary Navickas re: Illegal Dumpingat t Boat Landing <br /> Mr. Navickas was in attendance for this appointment. <br /> Mr. Navickas stated that his workers dumped the bumpers and that he has not yet <br /> paid the citation, but is prepared to pay the fine in person the next morning. The <br /> bumpers have since been removed. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated that any commercial operator should know better and that he is <br /> not in favor of rescinding the fine. He further stated that he is in favor of forwarding <br /> the citation to the courts if it is not paid. <br />
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