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10/26/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
10/26/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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• <br /> MINUTES October 26, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> appeared to be an overflow. She was not able to determine where all of the <br /> system components were. Subsequent to that, Ms. Warden and Mr. McQuaid <br /> went out to the complex to observe the situation and he agreed with her <br /> assessment. In the meantime, Ms. Warden was in touch with the homeowners <br /> association president and told him that the Board of Health wants an as-built <br /> completed by a registered engineer delineating every system and what exactly <br /> exists for each of these systems including where each pipes goes. Either that or <br /> they need to approach New Seabury and request that they be allowed to tie into <br /> the new treatment plant that is being built. The association president has <br /> informed Ms. Warden that Mr. Richard Vetter, CEO of New Seabury, has said <br /> that all of the flow has been allocated to other properties within New Seabury. <br /> Ms. Warden also informed the Board that Michael Grotzke did a septic <br /> inspection very recently. Through word of mouth she has learned that Mr. <br /> Grotzke did not actually perform the inspection as the state licensed septic <br /> inspector, but had one of his workers do it. The as-built that Mr. Grotzke <br /> submitted is totally inaccurate, so Mr. McQuaid and Ms. Warden are refusing to <br /> accept that as-built for the complex as being valid. The Health Agents informed <br /> the homeowners association that they will require that a professional engineer <br /> needs to provide accurate as-builts for the entire complex. Ms. Warden spoke <br /> with George Heufelder of Barnstable County Department of Health and the <br /> Environment and he recommended that a contingency plan be in effect with <br /> timeframes established. Also, it should be stipulated how often these systems <br /> should be pumped. <br /> It should also be noted that these systems are very near Dean's Pond and that <br /> this is a very serious and difficult situation. <br /> Ms. Warden recommended a letter be sent to the association stating the Board's <br /> requirement of the-as-builts being established and drawn by a registered <br /> professional engineer and gives them a time-frame for the receipt of these as- <br /> builts by the Board of Health. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to require the Stendahl Place Homeowners Association to <br /> have all septic tanks and pits pumped by November 30, 2000 and that they <br /> have until January 1, 2001 to provide the Board of Health with engineered as- <br /> builts for the entire complex. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> a. Emergency Failure Certification: 169 Main Street <br /> Ms. Warden indicated that the old cesspool is full and that the installation of a <br /> new Title V septic system is necessary (septic tank, distribution box, 2 500- <br /> gallon drywells with 3' of stone). <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br />
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