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y <br /> MINUTES November 2, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> receipt of revised plans indicating the correct perc test witness and a locus. Mr. <br /> Doherty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> S. Emergency Failure Certification - 8 Pineridge Road <br /> Ms. Warden stated that the old cesspool is full and that the installation of a <br /> Title V system is necessary (tank, distribution box and 2 500-gallon drywells <br /> with 3' of stone. <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the Emergency Failure <br /> Certification form. <br /> 6. Request to waive habitable space affidavit - 104 Old Barnstable Road <br /> Mr. William Cromwell of 104 Old Barnstable Road was in attendance for this <br /> agenda item. <br /> Ms. Warden stated that in 1996 former Assistant Health Agent Orin Evans <br /> certified the system in failure. The system was then repaired and an affidavit <br /> was signed by the owner stating that before approval is given to increase.the <br /> habitable living space of the existing dwelling, a registered professional engineer <br /> or registered professional sanitarian must determine the adequacy of the <br /> existing system. <br /> Mr. Cromwell indicated that the former owner, Gertrude Cuthbert, was <br /> suffering from Alzheimer's disease at the time that she signed the affidavit. He <br /> would like the Board to waive the requirement of having the septic system <br /> evaluated by an engineer prior to adding another bedroom to the home. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "What happens when a system fails like that, usually if the <br /> homeowner is not planning to sell the house, we will allow them the option <br /> which saves the expense of retaining an engineer to draw plans. For that <br /> allowance they agree not to expand the habitable space in the house. The <br /> reason for that is without the engineered drawings it's difficult for us to tell <br /> whether that would be acceptable or not. If in fact you want to add onto the <br /> house, we are probably going to ask you to get the engineered drawings, in <br /> other words hire an engineer to certify that the system can indeed perform as <br /> designed, that its locations don't adversely affect any neighboring abutting wells <br /> and the like." "Right now we are not really prepared to debate the validity of the <br /> signature of Mrs. Cuthbert. We accepted it as valid at the time." <br /> Mr. Doherty further stated that he has to insist of a plan or drawing at some <br /> point in the future. <br /> Mr. Cromwell asked the Board to consider allowing him to proceed with the <br /> building permit pending having an engineer draw the plans of the septic <br /> system. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to allow Mr. Cromwell thirty days to provide the Board <br /> with an as-built with total leaching assessment and inspection by a registered <br /> engineer with the agreement that Mr. Cromwell was proceeding with the <br />