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MINUTES November 2, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> addition to his home at his own risk. If there is a problem, the project will be <br /> stopped. Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 7. Revised Denitrification Regqlatioh for final approval <br /> Board members agreed to hold this agenda item until the full Board can review <br /> and approve the regulation. <br /> 8. Failure to respond to BOH notice - Morris Rothstein, Tr., 7 Cranberry Avenue <br /> Ms. Warden informed Board members that certified letters regarding the <br /> condition of the condemned house at 7 Cranberry Avenue have been returned <br /> and/or this office has received no response. <br /> Mr. Doherty indicated that Ms. Warden should contact the Norfolk County <br /> Sheriffs office to have the notices hand-delivered by a deputy sheriff. The <br /> assessor's office should also be contacted to see if they have any further <br /> information on the address of the owner of the property. <br /> 9. Report - 135 Route 130 <br /> Mr. Doherty stepped down on this agenda item. <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> 10. FYI - Town Hall lower level update <br /> Ms. Warden stated, "The Town Administrator was informed by the Board of <br /> Health that he was to cross-ventilate the lower level of town hall for a period of <br /> three days, that was to include Friday, Saturday and Sunday. When I came in <br /> here on Sunday the fans were not on and I was here for three hours. When I <br /> informed him of that he said that it was supposed to rain so they didn't want to <br /> leave the windows open. Should any potential litigation come out of this or <br /> anything else, I just want this on the record." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Duly noted." "In other words, he directed that the fans be <br /> shut off?" <br /> Ms. Warden responded, "Yes, because he felt that it was going to rain." <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to direct the Health Agent to send a memo to the Board of <br /> Selectmen and the Town Administrator requiring air quality testing to be <br /> I <br /> performed at the lower level of town hall to guarantee the health and safety of <br /> the employees and the public in the absence of proper cross ventilation as <br /> required by the Board of Health prior to occupancy. The samples will be taken <br /> from each individual enclosed office within 14 days. Mr. Doherty seconded the <br /> motion. Motion passed. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> a. 104 Wheeler Road <br /> Ms. Warden notified Board members of a home at 104 Wheeler Road that was <br /> brought to her attention by Deputy Fire Chief Sheldon Hamblin for its <br /> unsanitary condition. It was noted that the occupant is currently living in his <br />