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-2-- <br /> 7. ) got out of hand. Sel. Garland stated that speaking of permits, he <br /> thought that trucks carrying a big load and ten feet wide were sup-- <br /> pose to get permits to travel our roads . He feels they should be <br /> escorted. He spoke about the incident of the tractor trailer carry- <br /> ing rafts. Executive Secretary informed Board that permits are <br /> needed for trailers that are' that wide to travel on Town roads. Chm. <br /> Thomas said she will pursue the matter of collective systems. She <br /> stated the memo had been sent out to the Board of Health and the <br /> Conservation. She also said if you have an individual problem to <br /> contact the Coast Guard. Sel. Garland suggested a copy of the memo <br /> be sent to the Harbormaster so if the problem comes un the Board <br /> will know where they stand. <br /> 8. ) Chm, Thomas 's report on the meeting of the Neighbors and the Operators <br /> of the Half-Tide Marina was attached. <br /> 9 . ) Chm. Thomas explained the fence problem at Mrs . Thomnson' s house. <br /> The complaint was that on Sunday, August 29 , at 3 : 20 a.m. , a car <br /> had gone around the curve in front of her house on Seconsett Is- <br /> land and had an accident, the car ended up in her bathroom. Chm. <br /> Thomas suggested Executive Secretary contact Mr. Burley Greene, <br /> the Acting Superintendent of Streets, to check if the fence could <br /> be extended and what the cost would be. Board agreed. <br /> 10 . ) Board had a (pre-regular meeting) discussion on Frog Fond Close. <br /> Chm. Thomas felt that the people involved would not come to this <br /> meeting as the situation had been straightened out at the Neighbors <br /> and Operators of the Half-Tide Marina meeting. <br /> 11. ) The Board discussed the memo from the Library Committee concerning <br /> repairs and maintenance of the building. The requests were in three <br /> parts: a. ) the exterior painting; b. ) general repairs, i .e . , the <br /> roof, gutters and so forth; c. ) custodial services. Board discussed <br /> the repairs and the exterior painting. Sel. Garland feels these <br /> problems should be addressed at the Town Meeting. Executive Secre- <br /> tary explained the custodial problems . Board asked Executive Secre- <br /> tary to contact the maintenance crew and inform them of these com- <br /> plaints. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> 1. ) Executive Secretary requested authorization to set up a hearing date <br /> for the transfer of New Farm. <br /> 2, ) Chm. Thomas also mentioned Mr. Fitzgerald coming in, and asking about <br /> the Dog 'Officer/Natural Reserve Officer job status . She stated that <br /> he was told that the Board had requested three applicants for the job. <br /> Executive Secretary said that Mr. Fitzgerald had also contacted the <br /> Personnel Board. Other a_on_ licants will be interviewed at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> Selectmen Kevin D. O'Connell arrived at 1: 50 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Muriel R. McGrath <br /> Administrative Secretary <br />