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ADMINISTRATIVE MEET NC, <br /> - September 29 , 1982 at 1: 00 P-m- <br /> 1:00 P.M. Mr. Charles Buckingham - re: S 'Wer letters. <br /> 1:15 p.m. - Mr. Martin McIsaac - re: Dog officer/Natural Resources officer <br /> position interview. (attached) <br /> 1. ) Capital. Program Committee. <br /> 2. ) Plumbing bills - re: Mr. Mills . (attached) <br /> 3. ) Memo from Executive Secretary.- re: Septage lagoons . (attached) <br /> 4. ) Memo from Executive Secretary.- re: Clerical Review. (attached) <br /> 5 . ) Memo from Executive Secretary.- Park and Recreation Advisory Committee. <br /> 6 . ) Chm. Thomas - re: Recent Assessors map book. <br /> 7. ) Copy of Clerical Contract for Board' s review. (attached) <br /> 8. ) Draft of town meeting articles. (attached) <br /> 9 . ) Memo from Executive Secretary - re: Petty Cash. (attached) <br /> 10 . ) Letter from Superintendent of Schools ® re: Stove. (attached) <br />