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04/09/2024 BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Minutes (2)
04/09/2024 BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Minutes (2)
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3/12/2025 9:25:00 AM
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3/12/2025 9:24:41 AM
Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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<br />Kathy Mahoney will be meeting with the new IT Director tomorrow to discuss cyber security and <br />technology. His name is Curt Curry, he reached out about needs and past service tickets, and if <br />they were taken care of. She has the technology five-year plan and he is eager to work with us. <br />IT Department will delve into the server needs more. It has been difficult navigating post covid <br />usage and being able to access our building more readily being across Town. If all goes well at <br />Town Meeting, IT will be increasing their staffing. <br /> <br />The Children and Teen Rooms do not require a use for the wired computer systems as very few <br />are being used. The school gives out Chromebooks to every child to ensure everyone has <br />access. One thing they are inundated with are the hotspots. They now possess 20 wi-fi <br />hotspots. Kathy Mahoney would like to review the policy, as so many get checked out by <br />Falmouth and Sandwich residents. The same people rotate around the different libraries to <br />acquire them. During Covid, the Mass Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) was open to <br />anyone with a library card. Since then, two hotspots have been lost and turned off. However, <br />this system is not sustainable, being rented for two weeks. It is hard for our own residents to <br />take them out. After a hotspot is returned after two weeks, that person cannot check another <br />out at this library for a week. They will be obtaining 5 more that will stay in the building should <br />the power go out, it would provide wi-fi for the building. <br /> <br />The Library Director spoke with the Council on Aging Director, Lynne Waterman, about a few <br />people who required more services than just a mobile hotspot, or who were putting themselves <br />in harms way to acquire a hotspot. <br /> <br />POLICY UPDATES AND DISCUSSION <br />Kathy Mahoney brought drafts of policies. She has been working diligently with the staff and <br />delving into some of these issues that needed to be addressed. Revisions were made to the <br />Tutoring and Study Room Policy. There is a difference between running a business from the <br />Study Room, which is different than working remotely on a Zoom in the Study Room. If the <br />larger Teen and Children’s Rooms are not in use, tutoring can be done in those rooms. Tutors <br />would call in advance and book a study room for four days out of the five. They have mirrored <br />other bigger library’s policies that may have a broader experience of these issues. After getting <br />all the input from staff she will provide drafts. Currently, the staff are reviewing the Bulletin <br />Board Policy. <br /> <br />FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY LIAISON REPORT <br />th <br />Ann Macdonald commented the Friends met virtually on March 27 at 3:00p.m. They have no <br />official new board yet, and there are some vacancies. An interim board was voted in until June <br />th <br />30. The bylaws were researched, and it seemed to be allowed. President will remain the <br />same. Sheila Blair will be Vice President. They are currently seeking a Treasurer. Karen Perillo <br />will be staying on as a member. They raised $13,000 in the annual appeal, with 1/3 fewer <br />doners at 105. Another email will be sent on the constant contact. They are looking to get more <br />visibility with events, especially Children’s events. Right now, their income is under $13,000 <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />
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