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<br />This marks the first time the library opened its doors for 9:00a.m. The Children’s Program <br />families are thrilled about the early opening, especially on days when the kids’ room has <br />programming at 10:00a.m. <br /> <br />The Children’s Room is looking at the grant funding and selecting items for the play space. <br />They are looking at Lego tables, light tables, and different blocks. They received $15,000 from a <br />state grant that will be used for the play space. There are some cute bookshelves that disguise <br />as animals. The musical instruments target ages 3-6. They will be purchasing costumes and <br />props. Lack of free play has been addressed as a developmental skill that is missing these <br />days. That room wasn’t initially designed for it, so now they are changing the space to <br />accommodate more of that free play concept. <br /> <br />Currently, the kids program is working on backpacks that can be checked out on special <br />subjects like outer space or birds for example. These bags contain books, toys, manipulatives, <br />a program sheet or a craft. This allows parents to do the activities at home and at their own <br />convenience. Kindergarteners are coming over with the school and are able to get a library <br />card. Summer reading lists are being compiled. <br /> <br />The Library Director is currently looking into price quotes for Hoopla. This will grant access to <br />more online newspapers like Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Boston Herald, and New York <br />Times. For $3,000 we will be able to get so much content from home for free. If someone is <br />looking for a different newspaper, this opens up the diversity and ability to keep in touch. There <br />is no cost per read, it is all simultaneous. Boston Public Library has the Boston Globe in digital <br />because they sold it to Press Reader as an aggregate and she was given a trial. <br /> <br />The Upper Cape Cod Camera Club currently has an exhibit in the Event Room. There will be a <br />th <br />reception Thursday, April 11 from 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m. Different art shows and author talks are <br />being organized and they are planning a concert for May. The introductory sewing class will <br />now be hosting an advanced sewing class. In the basic course the instructor teaches how to <br />use the machine. <br /> <br />Regarding general maintenance, a new hand dryer was installed in the first-floor ladies room. <br />The staff break room flooring needs to be replaced. The children’s garden needs some repairs. <br />The bricks require attention as well as the metal edging. It could be an accident and is no <br />longer safe. The building was re-caulked over the period of two weeks, since the buildings <br />inception. This was due to a window leak that required repair in the back entry hallway. Joan <br />Lyons inquired about the water bottle filler. It has a digital counter that records how many plastic <br />bottles are being saved from production. <br /> <br />DPW is looking into some outdoor storage sheds. This will allow for storage of toys and <br />seasonal items or the library of things items like corn hole and sports stuff. We need to have a <br />place to store these items. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />